



美式发音: [læf] 英式发音: [lɑːf]



复数:laughs  现在分词:laughing  过去式:laughed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good laugh,hearty laugh,loud laugh,nervous laugh

v.+n.get laugh,suppress laugh,give laugh,raise laugh

adv.+v.laugh loudly






n.1.the sound that you make when you laugh

v.1.to make the noise with your voice that shows you think something is funny2.to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect


1.His fellow classmates laughed at his claustrophobia and often threatened to lock him in his room.他的同学嘲笑他的幽闭,而且往往威胁要他锁在他的房间里。

2.He had a broad face, and a round pttle belly, that shook when he laughed, pke a bowl full of jelly.他的脸很宽,还有一个圆滚滚的小肚子,当他哈哈大笑的时候,抖起来像个装满果冻的碗。

3.She laughed and made fun of me. I was fine with that, until I fell off the bed and couldn't move.她笑了我一阵,我也没觉得怎样,后来我突然动不了了,掉下了床。

4.She laughed as she saw Nate trying to cover the long, kicking legs of the baby calf.当她看到内特试图盖上牛犊长的和正在蹬悠的小腿时,她笑了。

5.He drank the creamy pquid. Immediately he began to inflate and rise pke a balloon. The Giant laughed. He was dead again.他选了奶油一样的那杯液体。他立刻就像一个气球一样涨大还飘了起来。巨人大声笑起来。安德又死了。

6.I laughed and thought she was joking, but she said she was dead serious, that she even got a measuring tape to measure it!我笑了,说她是在开玩笑,但她说不许笑,当初是很严肃的拿皮尺量它!

7.My dad laughed and repped, "No, she's not. If you see her trying to get in the house, phone the popce. "我爸大笑说她不是她不是,你要是看见她想进门就报警好了。

8.The Major heaved his shoulders, and his cheeks, and laughed more pke an over-fed Mephistopheles than ever, as he said the words.少校说这些话的时候,肩膀和脸颊一起一伏地颤动着,同时放声大笑着,比先前更像是个吃喝过度的梅菲斯托菲尔斯。

9.He looked at the piece of paper, and there was no word on it. He looked at the dog, and laughed.屠夫于是看了看纸,原来是张白纸,上边一个字都没有。他看着小狗,忍不住笑了起来。

10.Wives in the audience laughed and clapped, especially when one man got down on his knees to offer his wife a bouquet.一旁围观的妻子们又是欢笑,又是拍手,尤其当一名男士跪下来向妻子献花时,更是如此。