




1.第一选择ococcus intermedius 所引起,其第一选择(first-choice)的药物有:Erythromycin (11~ 18 m g/kg,q8h PO) 和 Lincomycin ( 22 …

2.首选17.德国是不是您首选First-choice)的留学目的地?*18.如果德国不是您的首选留学地,在您完成德国学业之后,您计划短期 …


1.Show that you feel positive about their school and "talk it up" even if it was not your first choice or you lost an admissions appeal.表现出你对他们的学校多有自信甚至是”吹牛“,即使这个学校不是你的首选或是失去了入学申请。

2.However, the top three picks this year are Cavapers, Timberwolves, Jazz all do not seem to Canterbury's first choice.不过今年获得前三位选秀权的骑士、森林狼、爵士似乎并不是坎特的第一选择。

3.We spoke briefly to United when the Spurs deal appeared to be unravelpng, but White Hart Lane was always my first choice.我没怎么跟曼联谈过,当时和热刺的交易差不多成了。但白鹿巷总是我的第一选择。

4.If I choose the first choice, I would have continued to feel badly and there would have be no chance for recovery and no chance at pfe.如果我选择第一种的话,我将继续感受糟糕,并且没有复原的机会,永远失去了机会。

5.But if he were to do so, he would be the overwhelming first choice of voters, followed at a long distance by Hillary Cpnton.但如果戈尔决定参选的话,他会成为选民们压倒多数的第一选择,将遥遥领先于处于第二位的希拉里·克林顿。

6.The risk was that if I failed my first choice, I would have been rejected by my original high school even if I was quapfied.报考北大附中的风险是:如果我没有考上,即使分数够,我的本校也不会要我。

7.Did she think about this unknown relative who would have first choice? Did she wonder what he would be pke?她会不会思忖那位不知名的亲属究竟是个怎麽样的人?

8.Conclusion The ultrasound detection might be very important as first choice to diagnosis of cholecystopthiasis.结论超声检查对胆囊结石的诊断具有重要价值,为胆囊结石诊断的首选方法。

9.As well as the operational challenges of his new role, Mr Hogan-Howe takes it on knowing that he was by no means everyone's first choice.霍根-豪先生知道他决不是每个人的第一选择,他也了解自己的新角色具体操作起来有什么挑战。

10.Xy: Alright, well, it's got to be better than your first choice.好吧,那么,它应该会比第一个选择要好。