


美式发音: [ˈfɪtnəs] 英式发音: ['fɪtnəs]








1.健壮;健康the state of being physically healthy and strong

a magazine on health and fitness卫生与健康杂志

a fitness instructor/class/test健美教练;健美班;健康合格检查

a high level of physical fitness高水平体质

2.适合(某事物或做某事)the state of being suitable or good enough for sth

He convinced us of his fitness for the task.他使我们相信他适合做这项工作。

There were doubts about her fitness to hold office.她是否称职还不确定。


n.1.the state of being physically healthy and strong2.how suitable someone or something is

1.健身 性情 Sex 健身 Fitness 男事 Story / Events ...

2.健康 Thursday 周四 fitness 健康 subject 主题 ...

3.适应度适应度函数值称为适应度fitness),适应度函数表明个体对环境适应能力的强弱,遗传算法在进化搜索中依靠适应度函数值的 …

4.适合度适合度fitness):适合度是个体产生能存活并对未来世代有贡献的能力的后代的指标。种群中存活和生殖最有效的个体(即具 …

5.体适能2. 体适能FITNESS):身体有足够的活力和精力进行日常事务,而不会感到过度疲劳,并有足够的精力享受休闲活动和应付 …

6.适应性如何理解国家的适应性fitness)?杰维斯的回答是自然选择“部分”适用于国际关系,因为国家很少灭亡,而适应性是从“影响力 …

7.体能体能Fitness)是指人体各器官系统的机能在身体活动中表现出来的能力。体能包括与健康有关的体能和与运动技能有关的体 …


1.Many people, out of their desire to "whip" themselves into a state of fitness, try to exercise at their maximum heart rates.许多人希冀可以通过“鞭笞”自己让体形达到适宜的状态,他们总是做使心率最大化的运动。

2.He will do a proper warm-up on his own, and also with the fitness coach, so we will take care of him and he will be ready.在比赛前我们会安排体能教练督促他进行完整的热身,争取以一个最饱满的状态面对明天的比赛。

3.Of course, delaying optimization until you know it's needed is a good idea, so you should at least start with a simple fitness formula.当然,把优选推迟到您认为有需要的时候,这是一个好主意,那么您在开始的时候,最起码得有一个简单的适应性公式。

4.He had become a fitness fanatic who swam vigorously, and pubpcly, to demonstrate that he was cured and able to be President.他已经成为一个健身运动的狂热爱好者,精力充沛地游泳,向公众显示他已经战胜了病魔,身体条件允许他担任总统。

5.And a week's worth of 10-minute exercises are described on the Fitness Cards, so you can take your exercise plan with you, wherever you go.在保健卡片上印有长度为10分钟,为期一周的健身计划,您无论走到哪里,都可随身携带。

6.There is some of the same fitness in a man's building his own house that there is in a bird's building its own nest.一个人造他自己的房屋,跟一头飞鸟造巢,是同样的合情合理。

7.It's great to see the big fella back but he needs games. He's still got a fair bit of fitness to come.能看到这个好家伙回来真的很棒,但他还需要上场比赛找回状态。当然他也还需一些路去恢复最佳。

8.Shoot for a year or two, not a few weeks. There are no instant fitness fixes, no matter what that website or magazine promises.无论哪些网站和杂志怎么承诺,都不存在快速健身的方法。

9.The International Pole Dancing Fitness Association is trying to make pole dancing (see photo) an Olympic event, AP reported.据美联社报道,国际钢管舞健身协会目前正在积极推动钢管舞(见图)的申奥计划。

10.I told him that this not only apppes to fitness but owning a business or leading a company as well.我告诉他,这点不仅适用于健身,而且对于商业或企业管理也同样适用。