


美式发音: [fɪks] 英式发音: [fɪks]




第三人称单数:fixes  现在分词:fixing  过去式:fixed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fix date,fix time,fix price,fix meeting,fix appointment



v.mend,arrange,prepare,make ready,fasten



1.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)使固定;安装to put sth firmly in a place so that it will not move

to fix a shelf to the wall把搁架固定在墙上。

to fix a post in the ground把柱子固定在地上

He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.他留意着每一个细节以便牢记这一幕。


2.~ sth决定,确定(日期、时间、数量等)to decide on a date, a time, an amount, etc. for sth

Has the date of the next meeting been fixed?下次会议的日期确定了没有?

They fixed the rent at £100 a week.他们把租金定为每周 100 英镑。

Their prices are fixed until the end of the year(= will not change before then) .他们的价格一直到年底固定不变。

3.安排;组织to arrange or organize sth

I'll fix a meeting.我要安排一次会议。

You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum.你得预先和博物馆联系安排好参观事宜。

Don't worry, I'll fix it with Sarah.别着急,我会和萨拉商量安排好的。

I've fixed up (for us) to go to the theatre next week.我已安排好(我们)下星期去看戏。


4.~ sth找到,确定,说出(确切位置、时间等)to discover or say the exact position, time, etc. of sth

We can fix the ship's exact position at the time the fire broke out.我们可以确定发生火灾时那艘船的确切位置。


5.~ sth修理;校准;校正to repair or correct sth

The car won't start─can you fix it?这辆车发动不起来了,你能修理一下吗?

I've fixed the problem.我已解决了这个问题。


6.提供,准备(尤指食物)to provide or prepare sth, especially food

Can I fix you a drink?我给你弄杯饮料好吗?

Can I fix a drink for you?我给你弄杯饮料好吗?

I'll fix supper.我来准备晚餐。


7.~ sth梳洗;整理;收拾to make sth such as your hair or face neat and attractive

I'll fix my hair and then I'll be ready.我梳梳头就准备好了。


8.[oftpass](informal)~ sth操纵;作弊to arrange the result of sth in a way that is not honest or fair

I'm sure the race was fixed.我肯定这场比赛有人操纵。


9.(informal)~ sb惩罚;收拾to punish sb who has harmed you and stop them doing you any more harm

Don't worry─I'll fix him.别担忧,我会收拾他的。

摄影in photography

10.~ sth定(影);定(色)to treat film for cameras, etc. with a chemical so that the colours do not change or become less bright


11.(informal)~ sth阉割(家畜)to make an animal unable to have young by means of an operation


He fixed her with an angry stare.他生气地盯着她。

fix sb with a look, stare, gaze, etc.定睛凝视(某人)to look directly at sb for a long time

He fixed her with an angry stare.他生气地盯着她。


1.[c](informal)(尤指简单、暂时的)解决方法a solution to a problem, especially an easy or temporary one

There is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。


2.[sing](informal)(致瘾的东西,尤指毒品的)一次用量an amount of sth that you need and want frequently, especially an illegal drug such as heroin

to get yourself a fix给自己注射一剂毒品

I need a fix of coffee before I can face the day.我总需要喝足咖啡才有精神应付一天的工作。

困境;窘境difficult situation

3.[sing]困境;窘境a difficult situation

We've got ourselves in a fix about this.在这个问题上我们已陷入了困境。

位置on position

4.[sing](船或飞机的)方位确定,定位the act of finding the position of a ship or an aircraft

They managed to get a fix on the yacht's position.他们设法确定了快艇的方位。


5.[sing](informal)理解;了解an act of understanding sth

He tried to get a fix on the young man's motives, but he just couldn't understand him.他努力了解这个年轻人的动机,但就是弄不清楚。

不正当结果dishonest result

6.[sing](informal)受操纵的事;勾当;搞鬼a thing that is dishonestly arranged; a trick

Her promotion was a fix, I'm sure!我肯定她的提升有内幕!



v.1.to repair something; to find a solution to a situation where things are not working well2.to prepare food or drink3.to arrange your hair or clothing so that you look nicer4.to fasten something somewhere so that it cannot move5.to make a decision about a price or amount and not allow it to change; to decide the date when something will happen6.to arrange for something to happen7.if you fix something in your mind, you always remember it or think of it in a particular way8.to dishonestly arrange something such as a game or election so that it has the result that someone wants9网站屏蔽ed for saying angrily that you will punish someone or stop them from doing something10.to use chemicals on something so that its colors do not change or disappear, for example on a photograph11.to perform a medical operation on an animal so that it cannot have babies1.to repair something; to find a solution to a situation where things are not working well2.to prepare food or drink3.to arrange your hair or clothing so that you look nicer4.to fasten something somewhere so that it cannot move5.to make a decision about a price or amount and not allow it to change; to decide the date when something will happen6.to arrange for something to happen7.if you fix something in your mind, you always remember it or think of it in a particular way8.to dishonestly arrange something such as a game or election so that it has the result that someone wants9网站屏蔽ed for saying angrily that you will punish someone or stop them from doing something10.to use chemicals on something so that its colors do not change or disappear, for example on a photograph11.to perform a medical operation on an animal so that it cannot have babies

n.1.something that solves a problem or corrects a mistake2.a difficult situation or a big problem3.an amount of a drug that someone feels they need to take regularly4.a dishonest arrangement intended to produce a particular result1.something that solves a problem or corrects a mistake2.a difficult situation or a big problem3.an amount of a drug that someone feels they need to take regularly4.a dishonest arrangement intended to produce a particular result

1.修理 take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像 fix 修理;修补 fix up 修理;修补 ...

2.固定 151、firm = firm 坚定 152、fix = fix 固定 154、flat = blow 吹 ...

3.安装 (7) 安心。习惯、满足于[ be content with] (9) 安装[ install;fix] (1) “安培”的简称[ ampere] ...

4.确定 确当〖 appropriate〗 确定fix;regularize〗 确乎〖 really;indeed〗 ...

5.使固定 B-6-97 five 五 7 S-4-21 fix 使固定;安装;修理 9 B-1-12 flag 旗帜 9 ...

6.修复 get down to 开始认真(做某事) fix vt 确定;决定 face-to-face 面对面的;当面的 ...

8.安排 make verses. 创作诗歌 To prepare;fix: 准备;安排: make breakfast. 准备早餐 ...


1.NCR officials at Camp McCarran were repeved when technical difficulties with its monorail pne to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix.NCR的官员们可以松口气了,因为检查证明麦卡伦营地——新维加斯的单线列车的技术问题很容易被解决。

2.Most of the time, Purify provides enough information about a memory error for you to identify the cause and fix it.大多数情况下,Purify提供了足够关于一个内存错误的信息,您可以根据这些信息来鉴定这个原因并进行修复。

3.A. How much would it cost to fix my car?要修好车子会要多少钱?

4.Second language acquisition does not seem to be a quick fix. It's far more than word match between two language systems.第二语言的习得似乎无捷径可走,其要求远远超过了寻求匹配两种语言的单词。

5.I spent hours trying to fix the TV, but gave up in despair.我花了几个小时修电视机,但是失望地放弃了。

6.Congress sure does seem to move faster in an election year: they've got a fast-tracked fix for housing repef just about ready.议会在大选年的动作就是快了许多;他们刚为减轻住宅市场的压力准备出一份快速解决方案。

7.I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your MP4, but let's give it a go and see if it works.我不敢保证能够修好你的MP4,但是让我们先试试看吧。

8.It's very easy to fix this hazard by simply cutting the chord and ending this plastic ends to the bottom.有一个方法非常容易解决这个危险,只要简短拉绳然后把尾端的塑料头拉到拉绳底部就可以了。

9.she visited the local Sephora for her fix of new eye shadows, as well as the jewelry cart for a pair of new cute earrings.她去当地的仙佛家商店买了新的眼影,又跑到珠宝摊那里买下了一对可爱的新耳环。

10.It was then that the town commissioners decided to fix up Deadwood and make it a genuine historic attraction rather than a phony one.当时,镇专员决定修复了戴德伍德,使它成为真正的历史景点,而不是假的。