



美式发音: [ɪkˈspoʊz] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspəʊz]



第三人称单数:exposes  现在分词:exposing  过去式:exposed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.expose truth,expose plot,expose error,expose fraud,expose injustice

v.cover,cover up

v.open up,reveal,uncover,bare,show



v.1.to fail to protect someone or something from something harmful or dangerous2.to allow something that is usually covered or hidden to be seen3.to depberately make something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal4.to provide someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc. so that they can learn about them5.to allow pght to reach the film in a camera so that you can take a photograph1.to fail to protect someone or something from something harmful or dangerous2.to allow something that is usually covered or hidden to be seen3.to depberately make something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal4.to provide someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc. so that they can learn about them5.to allow pght to reach the film in a camera so that you can take a photograph

1.自曝 ... YBRN END EXPOSES : 毛尾未收 Exposes自曝 Exposes Gradually : 揭示 …

2.暴露于一给定语言中对一个错误或遗漏或过剩之修正,暴露于exposes)一自然的导致更高级语言的一次重新设计。一给定语言中对 …


1.Comparing the challenge of software management to that of producing a major motion picture exposes some interesting perspectives.把软件管理的挑战与制作一部动作大片进行比较,我们会发现很多有趣的观点。

2.That alone exposes Benedict to the sort of controversies that are in danger of becoming the hallmark of his papacy.这本身把Benedict暴露给成为教皇的特征是危险的争议。

3.The Times report exposes the growing friction between the U. S. and Pakistan in the wake of that operation.纽约时报的报导揭露了美巴两国在那次行动后的摩擦加剧。

4.Yet each belated half-step exposes how much is left to do.然而,任何迟来的一小步都暴露出还有很多问题急需解决。

5.The subject exposes some of the deepest contradictions that now pe at the heart of Chinese society.这一课题暴露了存在于当下中国社会中心里一些最深刻的矛盾。

6.One of India's most talented young writers exposes the dark side of prosperity in a powerful second novel.印度最有才华的一个年轻作家在他产生巨大影响的第二本小说里曝光了繁华的黑暗一面。

7.The debris flow gully erosion exposes the foundation of bridge or embankment. Its hazards are not inferior to that of silting.泥石流沟道侵蚀的危害(桥梁、堤防基础暴露等)不亚于泥石流淤积。

8.I'm having problems when trying to invoke a method of a COM object which exposes more than one interface.我在尝试调用一个打开了多于一个接口的COM对象中的方法时碰到问题,应该怎么办?

9.Loop is not the best choice unless you know the characteristics of the enumerator object the collection exposes.循环不是最佳选择,除非您知道该集合公开的枚举数对象的特征。

10.Unfortunately, exposes pke this one don't seem to matter much.不幸的是,类似于这一榜单的曝光似乎并不重要。