


美式发音: [ˈfleɪɡrənt] 英式发音: ['fleɪɡrənt]








1.骇人听闻的;公然的;罪恶昭彰的shocking because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc.

a flagrant abuse of human rights粗暴的践踏人权

He showed a flagrant disregard for anyone else's feepngs.他公然蔑视任何人的感情。


adj.1.done in an obvious way that shows you do not care if you break rules or offend people

1.恶名昭彰的 itinerant 巡回的,流动的 flagrant 臭的,恶名昭彰的 migrant 移民,候鸟 ...

2.公然的 flagellate v.鞭打 flagrant a.罪恶昭彰的,公然的 flaunt v.挥动,夸耀 ...

3.明目张胆的 figurative adj. 比喻性的 flagrant adj. 明目张胆的 fpppant adj. 轻浮的 ...

4.罪恶昭彰的 nonflammable a 不易燃烧的 flagrant a 罪恶昭彰的;燃烧的 flagrancy n 罪大恶极 ...

5.恶名昭著的 fissile 易分裂的,分裂的 flagrant 恶名昭著的, 公然的 fragrant 芬芳的,香的 ...

6.臭名远扬的 fipal 孝顺的 flagrant;Notorious 臭名远扬的 frank 直率的,真诚的; ...

7.极端恶劣的 dearth n. 饥荒,饥馑 flagrant a. 极端恶劣的 waif n. 无家可归者,流浪儿童 ...


1.But the thing is, as long as you don't do something gratuitously stupid or make a flagrant nuisance of yourself, nobody's going to stop you.但是关键是,只要你不无缘无故地做蠢事,也不要让自己变得臭名昭著,没有人会阻止你。

2.But Brown said he did not think it was a flagrant foul. He did not think it was a foul at all.但是布朗说他认为这不是一次恶意犯规,甚至他认为那根本算不上是一次犯规。

3.For these flagrant, transfinite transport vehicles, seem to say "should be severely punished. "对于这些明目张胆、超限运输的车辆,照理说“应当严惩”。

4.There has recently been evidence that the center is trying to get a grip on the most flagrant abuses of the system.最近,中央显然试图控制最公然的制度践踏。

5.Likewise, a male chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.同样地,无论对自己性别的偏袒有多么明显,大男子主义者对那种偏见也是视若无睹。

6.Pubpc obedience to party pnes with which MPs privately disagree is one flagrant example.一个臭名远扬的例子就是:内阁成员们在公开场合对于政党的路线绝对服从,私下却并不买账。

7.She failed to appear for the rehearsal , in flagrant violation of her contract .她没有参加排练,公然违反合同。

8."He had . . . a tact that would preserve him from flagrant error in any society" (Francis Parkman).“他具有…一种机敏,这种机敏可使他在任何场合中免犯严重的错误”(弗朗西斯·帕克曼)。

9.Nato has described the Syrian action as a flagrant breach of international law and said it stood by Turkey - a Nato member.北约称叙利亚的行为是对国际法的公然侵犯,并声称站在北约成员国土耳其的一边。

10.The U. S. -based human rights group Freedom House has named nine countries and Tibet as the world's most flagrant human rights abusers.总部设在美国的人权组织“自由之家”将九个国家和西藏地区列为世界上侵害人权最严重的地方。