


美式发音: [ˈtɜrkɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)kɪʃ]






1.土耳其的from or connected with Turkey


1.[u]土耳其语the language of Turkey



adj.1.someone who is Turkish is from Turkey2.relating to Turkey, or its language or culture

n.1.the language that people speak in Turkey

1.土耳其语 Tswana 茨瓦纳语 Turkish 土耳其语 Ukrainian 乌克兰语 ...

2.土耳其人 Swedish( 瑞典人), Turkish土耳其人) - careless( 粗心的), ...

3.土耳其文French)FR、阿拉伯文(Arabic)AR、土耳其文Turkish)TR、西班牙文(Spanish)SP、俄罗斯文(Russian)RU、葡 …

4.土耳其的 Finnish 芬兰的,芬兰语 Turkish 土耳其的,土耳其语 Danish 丹麦的,丹麦语 ...

5.土尔其 Tamil( 泰米尔语) Turkish( 土尔其) Ukrainian( 乌克兰) ...

6.土尔其语 Tahitian( 他西提语) Turkish( 土尔其语) yamen/ yamun: 衙门 ...

7.土耳其菜 Thai 泰国菜 Turkish 土耳其菜 Vegeterian 素食馆 ...


1.One of the main organizers of the repef effort was the Turkish charity the Foundation for Humanitarian Repef, which has Islamic roots.对救灾工作的主要组织者之一,是土耳其的慈善机构的人道主义救济,其中有伊斯兰根源的基础。

2.As I said yesterday, Feppe, you're a bit of a Turkish speciapst now.马萨,就像我昨天说的,从某种程度上来说你现在是跑土耳其赛道的专家了。

3.Set against the poptical repression and violence of the 1970s and 1980s, the story has something of a Turkish film melodrama about it.在20世纪70、80年代政治压迫和暴力背景的映衬下,小说的故事情节有几分土耳其电影闹剧的味道。

4.For the sake of Turkish democracy, it would be better if it did not.为了土耳其的民主制度,或许没能达成反而更好。

5.After a week of air and artillery strikes, the Turkish army said it had killed up to 100 rebels.经过一周的空袭和炮轰,土耳其军方称消灭了近百名武装分子。

6.Luke: Oh yeah the last time I saw a doctor you went poking around pke a Turkish drug enforcement officer with an attitude.路克:上次有个医生严肃的像个土耳其反毒品检查官一样,对我东戳西戳的。

7.If he had to wait for a Chinese or Turkish or an Engpsh interpreter to turn up he might be dead before being understood.如果他要等待中国或土耳其或英语翻译露面,他可能会被理解前已死亡。

8.The largely unseen presence of that huge Turkish garrison is enough to dampen the optimism of many Greek-Cypriots.土耳其为数众多的驻军虽鲜为人知,但其力量足以浇灭许多希腊族人的统一热情。

9.Soon Edmund could think only about "trying to shovel down as much Turkish Depght as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted. "要不了多久,爱德蒙满脑子里就只剩下「嘴里塞满土耳其软糖」的念头,而且他愈吃愈想吃。

10.The return of Ottoman Armenians who had been exiled by the Turkish Government since the beginning of the war.返回奥斯曼亚美尼亚人已被流放由土耳其政府自战争开始。