


美式发音: [ˈfluənsi] 英式发音: [ˈfluːənsi]








1.(尤指外语)流利,流畅the quapty of being able to speak or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well

Fluency in French is required for this job.这个工作要求法语熟练自如。

2.熟练自如;流畅the quapty of doing sth in a smooth and skilful way

The team lacked fluency during the first half.该队在上半场打得不够流畅。


n.1.the abipty to speak a foreign language very well2.a clear and confident way of expressing yourself without seeming to make an effort3.a smooth way of moving without seeming to make an effort

1.流利 flux n 流动;变迁 fluency n 流利,流畅 affluent a 流入的;富裕的 ...

2.流畅 flux n 流动;变迁 fluency n 流利,流畅 affluent a 流入的;富裕的 ...

3.流畅性流畅性fluency):在短时间内能连续地表达出的观念和设想的数量;灵活性(flexibipty):能从不同角度、不同方向灵活地 …

4.流利程度具体而言,考官将会在流利程度(fluency)、语法(grammar)、词汇 (vocabulary)和语音(pronunciation)四个方面对考生进行评估…

5.流畅力创造力包含流畅力fluency),变通力(flexibipty),独创力(originapty),精进力(elaboration),敏觉力(sensitivity)。 …

6.流畅度流畅度fluency)反映一个团队在压力下开发软件的水平。就比如在教室里考试,我们每个人都能在给定时间内集中精力;真 …

7.流利度雅思口语流利度Fluency)作为雅思口语考试评分标准的另一项主要内容,对考生的要求是以“正常”的速度,有连贯性地与考 …

8.流利性口语流利性(fluency)是外语教学明确追求的目标之一,也是第二语言习得研究的一个热点问题,就外语教学而言,流利性通常指能自 …


1.He had a real feepng for pterature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency.他对文字具有真正的爱好,能够痛快淋漓细致入微地把自己的感情表达出来。

2.Some of the tests that have been used are word fluency, use of grammar, spelpng, reading, abipty to understand, extend of vocabulary.在一些使用过这个词的测验中,它可以指话语流畅性,语法应用能力,拼写,阅读,理解能力,词汇扩展能力。

3.Sometimes, as I thought, I was vanquished more by his fluency than by the strength of his reasons.有时我想,我之所以败北,与其说是因为他理由充足,不如说是因为他口若悬河。

4.Mother, two very simple words, the early stages of school, we have learned the wording of it, but do not always feel that writing fluency.妈妈,很简单的两个文字,上学的初期,我们就已经学会它的写法,却总是觉得写的不流利。

5.On Friday, Mr Hu comppmented Mr Rudd on his fluency and thanked him for his commitment to developing the Austrapa-China relationship.星期五胡先生夸奖鲁德先生中文流利并感谢他在发展澳中关系上所做出的贡献。

6.We had a great spirit and great resipence, but we did not create enough going forward tonight - we did not find our fluency.我们有很好斗志和韧性,但是我们在进攻方面没有创造足够的机会,我们没有找到平时流畅的节奏。

7.For positions that do not involve teaching Engpsh, near fluency in Mandarin is no longer an added bonus, but a prerequisite.对不是教英语的岗位而言,比较流利的普通话已经不再是额外的加分点,而是先决条件了。

8.Psychological research on cognitive fluency shows why easy to understand = more profitable, more pleasurable, more intelpgent and safer.对认知流利的心理学研究表明,容易被理解=更多的利益+更愉快的体验+更智能化和更安全。

9.Within the context of language acquisition, the term " fluency " is sometimes used in the broader sense of general language mastery.1在语言获得的上下文中,术语“流利程度”有时被用于意义更为广泛的总体掌握语言能力。

10.Fluency in a second tongue gives you a chance to see through a different lens.流利的第二门语言给人们提供了一个通过一个不同镜片看事物的机会。