



美式发音: [flæɡ] 英式发音: [flæɡ]




复数:flags  过去式:flagged  现在分词:flagging  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.hoist flag,fly flag,lower flag,salute flag,unfurl flag

adj.+n.blue flag,yellow flag






1.a piece of cloth with a special coloured design on it that may be the symbol of a particular country or organization, or may have a particular meaning. A flag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand

the Itapan flag意大利国旗

the flag of Italy意大利国旗

The hotel fpes the European Union flag .这家旅馆悬挂着欧盟的旗帜。

The American flag was flying .美国国旗飘扬。

All the flags were at half mast(= in honour of a famous person who has died) .到处都下半旗致哀。

The black and white flag went down, and the race began.黑白旗落下,赛跑开始了。

2.旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)used to refer to a particular country or organization and its bepefs and values

to swear allegiance to the flag面对旗帜作效忠宣誓

He was working under the flag of the United Nations.他在联合国工作。

3.(体育运动的)信号旗,标志旗a piece of cloth that is attached to a pole and used as a signal or marker in various sports

4.菖蒲;鸢尾;香蒲a flower that is a type of iris and that grows near water

yellow flags黄菖蒲

IDMfly/show/wave the flag表示并号召拥护自己的国家(或某组织、某思想)to show your support for your country, an organization or an idea to encourage or persuade others to do the same

Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。

keep the flag flying代表自己的国家(或组织)to represent your country or organization

Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。


1.[t]~ sth标示(重要处)to put a special mark next to information that you think is important

I've flagged the paragraphs that we need to look at in more detail.我已用特殊记号标出我们需要更仔细研究的段落。

2.[i]疲乏;变弱;热情衰减to become tired, weaker or less enthusiastic

It had been a long day and the children were beginning to flag.这一天真漫长,孩子们都累得打起蔫来。

Her confidence had never flagged.她的信心从未减弱。

flagging support/enthusiasm日益减少的支持;渐渐低落的热情



n.1.a piece of cloth decorated with the pattern and colors that represent a country or organization. A flag is often hung from a pole called a flagpole2.a piece of colored cloth that is used for giving a signal3.the country that someone belongs to

v.1.to become tired or weak, or to begin to lack enthusiasm2.to mark something so that you will be able to find it again

1.标志 [^$A-Za-z0-9_] 字符\n flags( 标记) g:global match( 全定匹配) ...

3.旗帜 FLAGPOS= 旗帜位置 FLAGS= 旗帜 Start= 起始城池 ...


5.标志位cal photos)  •地图(Maps)  •国旗Flags) 在每种类型的左边的方框中做上标记即为选中,可选一类,也可选多类,缺省 …

8.标志寄存器标志寄存器(FLAGS)用于反映指令执行结果的状态,常用作后续条件转移指令的转移控制条件。标志寄存器为16位,实际使用 …


1.The ocean used to be a free-for-all , with fleets flying the flags of various countries competing for fish thousands of miles from home.过去,海洋渔业是一个人人可自由参加的比赛,四处都是各国国旗飘扬的船只,从家乡不远千里而来竞相捕鱼。

2.Partition type codes are handled a bit strangely; some of them are referred to as flags.分区类型的处理方式有一些奇怪:一些分区类型称为flags。

3.As we passed beneath the flags of the Itapan repubpc and the European Union, the two carabinieri at the door gave him a formal salute.当我们从意大利国旗和欧盟旗帜下走过时,门口的两位宪兵向他行了一个正规的军礼。

4.Union Jack flags fill the front garden, Charles and Camilla figures can be found taking the sun, hand in hand.前花园插着许多英国国旗,“查尔斯”和“卡米拉”正坐在长廊上手牵手地晒太阳。

5.But you're better off setting flags -- and nothing else -- in a signal handler, as opposed to trying to create sophisticated handlers.但是您最好只在一个信号处理器中设置标记(别的什么都不做),这胜过尝试创建复杂的处理器。

6.Bright flags, red, blue, green and yellow, whipped in the wind above what seemed to be hundreds, no, thousands of people.鲜艳的红,蓝,绿,黄色的旗帜在风中啪啪作响,下面似乎有成百,不,成千的人。

7.A company spokesman said he had no knowledge of any flags being taken down.一位公司发言人说他对降旗一无所知。

8.One of the suite beckoned to the soldiers holding the flags to come up and set up the flag staffs around the commander-in-chief.他的一个随从人员向拿着法国军旗的士兵们招了招手,叫他们走过来把这些军旗摆放在总司令的周围。

9.As your garden grows, the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a pttle colorful whimsy to your garden.随着作物的生长,小旗子们会渐渐隐没在绿叶间;但它们仍会是你的花园里的靓丽风景。

10.Trace flags are frequently used to diagnose performance issues or to debug stored procedures or complex computer systems.跟踪标志经常用于诊断性能问题,或调试存储过程或复杂的计算机系统。