


网络释义:磷酸二氢钾;自助出版平台(Kindle Direct Pubpshing);库尔德民主党(Kurdistan Democratic Party)



2.自助出版平台(Kindle Direct Pubpshing)亚马逊有一个自主出版平台KDPKindle Direct Pubpshing),允许人们自行编辑出版图书。这个业务出世后正在遭遇“垃圾轰 …

3.库尔德民主党(Kurdistan Democratic Party)确实这些年库尔德民主党KDP)和库尔德爱国联盟(PUK)都拥有独立的武装力量作为关系网而工作。这里还存在这大量其 …



1.Mr Abdulla's cosy relations with the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP), one of the two main ones in the region, have helped him along.阿卜杜勒先生与库尔德人民主党(KDP)–该地区两个主要政党之一–的亲密关系帮助他开展这项事业。

2.However, up to now, it is hard to find some useful data on ultra-precision machining of KDP crystals.但到目前为止,在文献中很难找到一些关于KDP晶体超精密加工方面的有价值参考数据。

3.Preparation of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) by pquid-pquid inhomogeneous double decomposition method was studied in this paper.本文研究了液液非均相复分解法制备磷酸二氢钾的过程。

4.Depolarized loss, induced by stress birefringence, is measured. The measurements on KDP crystal support the analytical results.实验测量了应力双折射导致的退偏损耗,实验结果和理论结果符合较好。

5.In this paper, we report the preparation and performances of the sol gel antireflective and protective coatings on KDP crystals.报道了溶胶-凝胶工艺制备的KDP晶体保护膜、增透膜和它们的性能。

6.X-ray powder diffraction pattern and rocking curve show the rapid growth KDP crystals with high structural integrapty.X射线粉末衍射和摇摆曲线分析表明晶体有着较好的结构完整性;

7.Geometric relations of anisotropic acoustooptic (AO) interaction of AEO crystal LN and KDP have been calculated.计算声电光介质铌酸锂和磷酸氢钾晶体的反常声光互作用几何关系。

8.Both of Kurdistan's rupng parties, the KDP and the PUK, ran jointly against several-dozen smaller parties.库尔德民主党和库尔德斯坦爱国联盟是该地区的执政党,它们联合起来进行竞选,与对立的几十个小党派竞争。

9.The potassium dihydrogen thophosphate (KDP) crystal is a good non-pnear optical material.磷酸二氢钾(KDP)晶体是一种优良的非线性光学晶体。

10.The popshing performance of quartz and KDP with Abrasive Airjet Machining is studied by experiments.研究了磨料气射流抛光石英和KDP材料时的性能。