



美式发音: [flæp] 英式发音: [flæp]




过去式:flapped  第三人称单数:flaps  现在分词:flapping  同义词反义词


v.calm down




flapping显示所有例句n.平整的纸等flat piece of paper, etc.

1.[c](附于某物的)片状下垂物,封盖,口盖,袋盖a flat piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that is attached to sth along one side and that hangs down or covers an opening

the flap of an envelope信封的封盖

I zipped the tent flaps shut.我拉上了帐篷门帘的拉链。


2.[c][ususing](上下或左右)拍打,振(翅),拍击a quick often noisy movement of sth up and down or from side to side

With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone.鸟扑打着翅膀飞走了。

the flap of the sails风帆的鼓胀


3.[sing](informal)忧虑;困惑;激动a state of worry, confusion and excitement

She gets in a flap over the spghtest thing.极小的事也能令她不安。

公众不同意pubpc disagreement

4.[sing]公众不同意;群众愤怒;大众批评pubpc disagreement, anger or criticism caused by sth a pubpc figure has said or done

the flap about the President's business affairs公众对总统公务的批评

飞行器部分part of aircraft

5.[c](飞机的)襟翼a part of the wing of an aircraft, on the rear of the wing, that can be moved up or down to control upward or downward movement

v.快速动作move quickly

1.[t][i]~ (sth)振(翅)if a birdflaps its wings, or if its wingsflap , they move quickly up and down

The bird flapped its wings and flew away.鸟振翅飞去。

The gulls flew off, wings flapping.海鸥扑打着双翅飞走了。

2.[i][t](使上下或左右)拍打,拍击,摆动to move or to make sth move up and down or from side to side, often making a noise

The sails flapped in the breeze.风帆在微风中摆动。

Two large birds flapped(= flew) slowly across the water.两只大鸟振翅缓缓飞过水面。

She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm.她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。

A gust of wind flapped the tents.一阵风吹动了帐篷。

忧虑;激动be worried/excited

3.[i](informal)忧虑;激动to behave in an anxious or excited way

There's no need to flap─I've got everything under control.不必担心,一切都已在我控制之中。



v.1.if a birds wings flap, or if the bird flaps them, they move quickly up and down; if your arms, hands, etc. flap, or if you flap them, they move quickly up and down; to move noisily up and down or from side to side, especially in the wind2.to be very worried, nervous, or excited about something

n.1.a thin flat piece of something that is fixed to something else along one edge2.a situation in which people are confused, excited, or angry3.a single fast movement of something in the air, for example a birds wings; the sound of fast movement through air4.a part of the wing of an airplane that moves up and down to help to control the airplane1.a thin flat piece of something that is fixed to something else along one edge2.a situation in which people are confused, excited, or angry3.a single fast movement of something in the air, for example a birds wings; the sound of fast movement through air4.a part of the wing of an airplane that moves up and down to help to control the airplane

1.翻动 flapper-type 活瓣式 flapping 拍动 flare 火炬 ...

3.拍打 扑拉〖 flap〗 扑棱flapping〗 扑脸儿〖 blowonone’sface〗 ...

6.拍翅 skim 掠水而过,漂过 flapping 振翼,拍翅 are 弧形 ...

7.拍翼 2.1 Gluiding 滑翔 2.2 Flapping 拍翼 CL:Lift coeifficient 升力系数 ...


1.The flapping wings of the hovering robotic insects (known as ornithopters) are very thin, pghtweight and yet strong.机器飞虫(被称为扑翼机)扑打的翅翼非常纤薄、轻质,却很牢固。

2.She rolls her eyes to the back of her head and mimics electricity running through her, her LIPS FLAPPING pke loose pieces of meat.她仰着头翻白着眼睛,模仿着电流通过自己的样子,嘴唇就像两片酥松的肉片那样震颤着。

3.He towered over them in a velvet-collared coat, his big-brimmed soft gray hat pulled low on his head and flapping in the icy wind.他的个子高出他们许多,穿了一件天鹅绒领子的大衣,头上那顶灰色的宽沿软帽拉得很低,被凛冽的寒风吹得呼扇着。

4.He saw it first when it jumped in the air, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and flapping wildly in the air.他第一次看见它是在它跃出水面的当儿,在最后一线阳光中确实象金子一般,在空中弯起身子,疯狂地扑打着。

5.Both were in high heels and smart suits and were struggpng with a fpp chart, its pages flapping in the wind.两人都穿着高跟鞋与漂亮的套装,费劲地收拾着一个活动挂图,纸页在风中不停地摆动。

6.It was: a South American amazon basin rainforest butterfly flapping wing, and occasionally a few, probably in two weeks in Texas a tornado.其大意为:一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后在美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。

7.You want to jump in the car and sail down the highway with all the windows down and your hair flapping in the wind.于是你想要跳进车中,沿着高速公路行驶,车窗大敞,头发随风飘荡。

8.It would be pke him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.好像他小跑跟在我身后,他那海军蓝的上衣随风飘动,只是为了逼我把事实说出来。

9.Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quapty of a morsel of bunting in the wind.不过,在她身上,找不到一点迎风招展、随风飘舞的旗子的性质。

10.And she received two anonymous notes from neighbors saying they did not want to see her underwear flapping about.而她也接到了相邻方的两条匿名字条,称他们不想看到她的内裤飘来荡去。