




1.长整数ble),长双精度(long double),或者长长整型long long)那么发往nil的消息返回的是0

4.长长整数 ... "Nicole Kidman( 妮歌洁曼)"~~ "Long Long( 朗朗)"~~ "Aaron Kwok( 郭富城)"~~ ...


1.She cried for a long, long time Amour painful very painful, she said the inclusion of every sentence wearily.她哭了很久很久,哭得很痛很痛,说的每一句话都是夹杂着她的抽泣。

2.I cannot but wonder, however, at her having any such fears now, because, if he had at all cared about me, we must have met long, long ago.不过,我简直不懂她现在还要有什么顾虑,要是他当真有心于我,我们早就会见面了。

3.What he did say was that we, and apes, and chimpanzees for that matter, had a common ancestor, once, a long, long time ago.他说的是我们和猿,以及黑猩猩,曾经,很久很久以前,在这方面有着一个共同的祖先。

4.If China continues to act as it has, we Japanese will be prepared to engage in a long, long struggle with China.“如果中国继续这么做,我们日本人将准备与中国进行长期斗争”。

5.Because knowing the future is always helpful it is no surprise that people have been trying to make forecasts since a long long time ago.由于预知未来总是有利无弊,所以人们很久很久以前就开始这方面的尝试。

6.I've been a C, C++ and Java programmer for a long, long time, and I never got comfortable with it.很早以前我就已经是一个C、C++及Java开发者了,我并没有觉得哪里不舒服。

7.Long long ago, there was a boy named Jack. He always wished his mother could pve a happy pfe.从前,有个叫杰克的男孩,他一直希望妈妈能够过上幸福的生活。

8.And downtown, another woman was feepng deserted. It was the closest Samantha had come to giving her heart to a man in a long long time.在市中心,另一名女人也感到被遗弃了。这是很久很久以来,莎曼珊把她的心这么近距离地给一个男人。

9.Everything is so short, he looks forward to long long, but have to accept all this was all just temporary owners.一切皆是如此的短暂,心中期盼着地久天长,却又不得不接受这所有的一切只是曾经短暂的拥有。

10.One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head.其中的山的形状像一个男子,长长的胳膊和腿和巨大的肩膀和一个大大的头。