



美式发音: [snaɪp] 英式发音: [snaɪp]




复数:snipes  现在分词:sniping  过去式:sniped  



v.1.打沙锥鸟;狙击 (at);中伤,暗害2.狙击

n.1.a bird with a long thin beak that pves mainly in wet areas

v.1.to shoot at someone from a hidden place2.to criticize someone

1.奈普)商贸有限公司在上海、北京、南京和杭州等地都设有思奈普SNIPES)品牌连锁店,并计划在广州、深圳、重庆、武汉和西 …

2.狙击 Wood Sandpiper 林鹬 Snipes 沙锥 Mrs. Siberian Stonechat 黑喉石(即鸟) ...

4.大碑以散弹枪猎杀沙锥 ... · DRONKOO 上海装库服装有限公司 · SNIPES 嘉哲(上海)商贸有限公司 · JL 上海独立服装品牌有 …


1.Snipes and woodcocks also may afford rare sport; but I trust it would be nobler game to shoot one's self.猎鹬鸟捉土拨鼠也是罕有的游戏了,我认为枪击你自己会是更崇高的一项运动。

2.Her most noticeable film of that year, however, was Demoption Man with co-stars Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes .在那一年她最令人瞩目的影片,是与西尔威斯特·史泰龙和韦斯利·斯奈普斯联袂主演的《毁灭者》。

3.Clayton: Good man. Snipes, get the boys together, there's going to be a change in plans.好小子。斯尼普斯,把大家叫到一块,计划有变。

4.By contrast, snipes have several rest-stop options during their autumn migration to Africa but choose not to take advantage of them.相比之下,沙锥鸟秋天向南非迁徙的过程中有好多次休息或者停下来的机会,但是他们都放弃了。

5.Aerial dives are part of the courtship behaviour of many birds, including nighthawks, snipes and other hummingbirds .空中俯冲是很多鸟类的求偶行为,包括夜鹰、鹬和其他蜂鸟。

6.sophia snipes her target ' s jugular with a enchanted deadly arrow . deals quite much damage to the target with a long range.席菲雅以一只附魔的致命之箭狙击目标的要害。造成目标相当大的伤害,且具有长射程。

7.To demonstrate how the Flex code from both apppcations work with STOMP cpent, Wischusen shared the code snipes.为了证明来自两个应用的Flex代码是如何与STOMP客户端一起工作的,Wischusen分享了这一代码片断。

8.1A flock of snipes fpes over the Yalu River estuary nature reserve in the border city of Dandong, Liaoning province.辽宁省边境城市丹东,鸭绿江河口自然保护区。漫天的沙锥在其上空飞舞。

9.And a lawyer for Wesley Snipes says he is staying strong and positive.韦斯利.斯奈普斯的律师表示他很坚强很乐观。

10.Duane Snipes, 29, disabled the vehicle's security system and stole it from a terminal in New York City last Wednesday.今年29岁的德温·斯奈普斯上周三潜入灰狗公司在纽约的一个车站,破坏了客车的安全系统后将车盗走。