


美式发音: [ˈmɔrnər] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)nə(r)]



复数:mourners  同义词




1.吊唁者;哀悼者a person who attends a funeral, especially a friend or a relative of the dead person


n.1.someone who is at a funeral, especially a relative or close friend of the dead person

1.哀悼者 escort v. 护送,护卫 mourner n. 哀悼者 rhythmical a. 有节奏的 ...

2.送葬者 送葬: attend a burial ceremony 送葬者mourner 再见: Goodbye;farewell ...

3.悲伤者 heartbreaking 悲伤难忍 mourner 悲伤者 ruefully 悲伤地 ...

4.忏悔者 ... reminiscent,adj, 提醒的, 暗示的; 像…的; 使人想起…的 mourner,n, 悲伤者,哀悼者,忏悔者 mourning,n, 悲痛,丧服 ...

5.送丧的人 2. wail 哀嚎声、痛哭声 3. mourner 送丧的人 4. bowed (头等)低下的 ...

6.吊唁者 march 进行曲 mourner 送葬的人 mournful 哀痛的 ...

8.送殡者 神户 Kobe 送殡者 mourner 追颁勳章 posthumous medal ...


1.It held the body of an elderly man, and his widow was the only mourner present.他走进大厅,看到一具老人的尸体,只有他的遗孀一个人在那里吊丧。

2.Explain that you are checking in but understand that the mourner may not be able to get back to you and so you will call again.你要表明态度,说自己想帮忙,但理解他们可能无法及时回复,因此会再打电话联系。

3.Who'll be the chief mourner? I, said the Dove.谁来充当丧主?我,鸽子说。

4.get up , and begone out of my sight , said the mourner.起来,走开,别在我眼前,这个悲哀的人说。

5.Who'll be chief mourner? "I, " said the dove.谁来当主祭?是我,鸽子说。

6.At the downtown San Francisco Apple store, one mourner stood by the entrance holding his iPad with a black-and-white image of Mr. Jobs.在位于旧金山市区的苹果店,一名哀悼者站在店门处,他手里举着一个显示着乔布斯黑白照片的iPad。

7.The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner.他的葬礼登记签署了牧师,秘书,承办和主祭。

8."He was our president, " said a mourner from Mr Yeltsin's native Urals. "History will decide if he was right or wrong. "“他是我们的总统,”来自叶利钦家乡乌拉尔地区的一位悼唁者说:“他的错或对将由历史来决定。”

9.For five nights the family would gather to sing her praises and wail and mourn at her departure, led by a practised professional mourner.一连五个晚上,家人聚在一起赞扬她,并在一个专业送葬人的领导下,对她的去世嚎啕和哀悼。

10.the flowers blooming direction and the one about them toward the sea, lonepness, the shadow of sunshine mourner.花盛开的方向与自己有关,它们朝着大海,寂寞的影子背对着阳光。