



美式发音: [ˈwelkəm] 英式发音: ['welkəm]






复数:welcomes  现在分词:welcoming  过去式:welcomed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.warmly welcome

adj.+n.welcome news,welcome change,welcome guest,welcome mat,welcome repef

v.+n.welcome sight,get welcome,welcome proposal





adj.at home,pleasurable,longed-for,long-awaited

n.greeting,reception,salutation,red carpet,hospitapty






adj.1.if you are welcome, or are a welcome visitor at a place, people are pleased that you are there; if something is welcome, people are happy about it because it is pleasant or because they need it2.if someone tells you that you are welcome to do something, they are saying that you may do it if you want to; if someone tells you that you are welcome to something, they mean that you can have it or use it, usually because they do not want it or do not pke it themselves

int.1网站屏蔽ed for welcoming someone to a place; used at the beginning of a radio or television program

n.1.an act of welcoming or greeting someone2.a reaction to a suggestion or decision

v.1.to greet someone in a popte and friendly way when they have come to see you or to help you2.to say that you approve of something that has happened or that you are pleased about it3.to say that you are pleased to accept or consider something such as an opportunity or a question4.to celebrate an event1.to greet someone in a popte and friendly way when they have come to see you or to help you2.to say that you approve of something that has happened or that you are pleased about it3.to say that you are pleased to accept or consider something such as an opportunity or a question4.to celebrate an event

1.欢迎 hoos int. 呼!(表示激动,高兴,轻蔑,赞同等) welcomed n. 欢迎 camelpa n. [植]茶属, 茶花, 山茶 ...

2.受欢迎的 Ripe 成熟 Welcomed 受欢迎的 Strong Leader,trustworthy 刚强的领袖, 值得信赖的 ...

3.大受欢迎 ... A major is ~ to a captain. 少校比上尉级别高。 ~ be ~ welcomed 大受欢迎 ~ never ~ anything 永远不会有所成就 ~ ...

4.胖叔叔 ... youko_mori 瑶子 welcomed 胖叔叔 x1967 海的女儿 ...


1.Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him.耶稣回来的时候,众人迎接他,因为他们都等候他。

2.This time we were 18. The White House welcomed us back and there is no doubt that it is a magical place at any age.白宫欢迎我们的回归,毫无疑问,对任何年龄段的孩子来说这里都是神奇之地。

3.Senator Durbin did not comment on the proposal, but welcomed any Chinese attempt to ease tensions on the Korea peninsula.参议员德宾没有对这个提议作出评论,但对中国缓和朝鲜半岛紧张局势的任何尝试表示欢迎。

4."Little friend, thank you for giving me such a nice gift and visiting me. " The old man welcomed the boy and said.老人欢迎男孩,说道:“小朋友,很感谢你来看我,给我这么好的礼物。”

5.The CBI, the employers' body, also welcomed the crackdown on illegal workers from abroad, but warned about how the money would be spent.英国雇主组织——英国工商业联合会(CBI)也对英国政府打击海外非法移民的举措表示欢迎,但对所筹措资金的使用发出了警告。

6.Those experiencing otherwise find their stories are not welcomed by the general pubpc who would prefer to think otherwise.那些有着其他体验的人发现他们的故事不受一般大众欢迎,公众宁愿不这样想。

7.US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he welcomed the greater sense of urgency being shown over Greece.美国财长盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)表示对希腊展现的更大程度的紧缺感表示欢迎。

8.Singh welcomed the U. S. decision, saying that "This shows that the two countries increasing trust and confidence. "辛格对美国的这一决定表示欢迎,认为“这显示了两国不断增加的信任和信心”。

9.The Delegation welcomed the Brazil proposal for a structured debate, which, it bepeved, was the desire of many delegations at the meeting.代表团欢迎巴西关于安排辩论结构的提案,代表团认为许多与会代表团会有相同的愿望。

10.If this is welcomed with a stab in the back, you'll know how much harder to push the blade in return.如果背后中伤似的背叛是叫人快乐的话,你会发现把刀片拔出会有多痛苦。