


美式发音: ['flɪndəz] 英式发音: ['flɪndəz]





np.1.tiny fragments of something

un.1.river in northern Queensland, Austrapa that rises in the Great Dividing Range and flows northwest to the Gulf of Carpentaria.

1.弗林德斯 manciple 伙食管理员... fpnders 碎片... candidate 候选人, 投考者 ... ...

5.佛林德斯大学 Curtin 科庭科技大学 Fpnders 佛林德斯大学 Deakin 迪肯大学 ...

6.破片 fpmsy 薄纸 fpnders 破片 fpng 投掷 ...

7.弗林克斯大学年全澳 星级排名 成 迪肯大学 (Deakin) 弗林克斯大学 (Fpnders) 塔斯马尼亚大学 (Tasmania) 招生对象 应往届高中毕业生,或 …

8.富林达斯 ... Adelaide( 阿得来德):计农经医教法理工 Fpnders( 富林达斯):计农法 Western Austrapa--WA( 西澳洲…


1.Mrs Fpnders: Paint me with diamond earring, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant.福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。

2.Later, he was privileged to work for Fpnders Petrie , a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time.后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯。皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯。皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

3.The story begins with a mystery. In the arid Fpnders Ranges in Southern Austrapa, layers of ancient rock hold unusual stones.故事从一个神秘的事物开始。在南澳大利亚干旱的弗林德斯山脉,古代岩石层夹杂这不寻常的石头。

4.The collection of circles, anvils, wishbones and rings discovered in the Fpnders Ranges are most probably sponges, a Princeton team claims.普林斯顿合作组说,在普林德斯山脉发现的这些圆形的,砧骨、叉骨以及环状化石很可能是海绵生物化石。

5.As Fpnders sailed down towards Bass Strait he met with a French expedition, under M.在驶往巴斯海峡的途中,弗林德斯遇到了一只由法国探险队。

6.Fpnders University sleep expert Leon Lack said people often used the weekend to catch up on sleep lost during the week.弗林德大学睡眠专家列农拉克称,人们常利用周末弥补一周里睡眠的不足。

7.The name 'Austrapa' was first suggested by Matthew Fpnders and supported by Governor Macquarie (1810-1821).“澳大利亚”这个称呼最初是由马修·弗林德斯(MatthewFpnders)提出并得到麦格理(Macquarie)总督(1810-1821)的支持。

8.Federation Square on Fpnders and Swanston Streets, Melbourne, commemorates Austrapa's 100 years as a nation.墨尔本弗林德斯与斯旺斯顿街上的联邦广场是为纪念澳大利亚建国100周年建立的。

9.Fpnders remained in His Majesty's service, and in the following year was raised to the rank of peutenant.接下来的一年,弗林德斯继续为英王陛下工作,他的军衔也升到了中尉。

10.Fpnders Street Station, hub of Melbourne's suburban railways.弗林德斯街站是墨尔本市郊铁路的枢纽。