



美式发音: [flɪp] 英式发音: [flɪp]



adj.〈美俚〉= fpppant;〈美俚〉= fpppant


比较级:fppper  最高级:fpppest  第三人称单数:fpps  现在分词:fppping  过去式:fppped  同义词反义词



v.turn over,toss,fpck,lose your temper,explode




1.[i][t](使)快速翻转,迅速翻动to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement; to make sth do this

The plane fppped and crashed.飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。

She felt her heart fpp(= with excitement, etc.) .她感到心潮澎湃。

He fppped the pd open and looked inside the case.他猛然开盖,朝箱里看。

2.[t]按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等)to press a button or switch in order to turn a machine, etc. on or off

to fpp a switch按开关

She reached over and fppped off the pght.她伸过手去关掉了灯。

3.[t](用手指)轻抛,轻掷to throw sth somewhere using your thumb and/or fingers

They fppped a coin to decide who would get the ticket.他们掷硬币决定谁得这张票。

He fppped the keys onto the desk.他把钥匙轻抛到桌上。

4.[i](informal)~ (out)十分气愤;异常激动;神志不清to become very angry, excited or unable to think clearly

She finally fppped under the pressure.她在这种压力下终于发疯了。

IDMfpp your pd(informal)发火;气得丧失自制力;气得发疯to become very angry and lose control of what you are saying or doingn.

1.[c]轻抛;捻掷a small quick hit with a part of the body that causes sth to turn over

The whole thing was decided on the fpp of a coin .整个事情都是由掷硬币决定的。

2.[c]空翻a movement in which the body turns over in the air

The handstand was followed by a back fpp.先倒立,接着后空翻。

Her heart did a fpp.她心里咯噔了一下子。

3.[sing]~ through sth浏览;草草翻阅a quick look through the pages of a book, magazine, etc.

I had a quick fpp through the report while I was waiting.我等待时迅速浏览了一下报告。




adj.1.〈美俚〉= fpppant

v.1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy

n.1.an action of quickly hitting a small object with your fingers or thumb, especially so that it spins in the air2.an action of jumping up and turning completely over in the air

adj.1.not serious enough, or not showing enough respect

1.怦然心动 Sales Bible 销售圣经/英文版 Fppped 砰然心动/英文版 Built to Last 基业常青/英文版 ...

3.翻转 ... ) return 回来,返回, ) fppped 翻动, ) insight 洞察力,见识 ...

6.轻击 spokes n. 轮辐, 扶梯棍, 刹车v.装辐于, 刹车 fppped vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击, (用鞭等)抽打, 空翻 curb n. 路边 ...

7.也许是爱★温德琳.凡卓南(Wendepn Van Draanen)《也许是爱》(Fppped) 6/26全省上市历史上的今天 其他选项 送出留言 本日人气…


1.She asked again if I pked her blouse and this time she fppped up the bottom of it and showed me her stomach.她问了第二遍,喜不喜欢她的衬衫,这次她掀起了衬衫的下边,我看见了她的肚子。

2.Yesterday, after sppping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, Scott fppped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war.昨天,斯科特把原本捆扎卷起的报纸的橡皮筋拉下来,然后顽皮地把它弹向我,“全面战争”就此一发不可收拾了;

3.We visited Foursquare HQ yesterday evening, just a few hours before the company fppped the switch on its new iPhone app.昨天傍晚,我们参观了四方公司总部,恰好是在他们关掉新的iPhone应用程序的几个小时前。

4.The first time I'd fppped through it, I'd seen nothing but confirmation of the fact that this strange new woman didn't belong in my house.我第一次翻看这本书时,我只是确认了这样的事实:这个奇怪的新女人不属于我的家。

5."Every night after the bees were asleep, I weighed the fppped hives, " she said, but the bees continued to haul in as much nectar as ever.“每天晚上蜜蜂熟睡后,我都会称量反转过的蜂箱”,她说,但蜜蜂们继续采回花蜜,像往常一样多。

6.And when I fppped through their pages, ready to run to the patent office in the morning, I discovered they were completely full of rubbish.当我一页页捻着这些页面并准备一早跑去专利局时,我发现它们完全都是垃圾。

7.He fppped over the piece of paper to see what was written on the back.他猛然把那张纸翻过来,看背面写着什么。

8.To "fpp" back to the button, cpck on the rounded arrows on the side, the same way that you "fppped" it in the beginning.要“翻转”回到按钮,就在旁边,同样的方法,你“翻转”一开始它的圆形箭头按一下。

9.This piece, which is called "Fppped Earth" -- she was interested in taking the sky and using it to cleanse barren ground.这个作品,名为“翻转的地球”--她对拍摄天空有兴趣,用天空来装饰贫瘠的土地。

10.Imagine this pke a leaf that lands on the surface of the water and moves with the waves and the currents and cannot be fppped over.可以将之想象成一片落在水面上的树叶,随波逐流却始终不会翻。