


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪsfʊl] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɪsf(ə)l]








1.优美的;优雅的;雅致的moving in a controlled, attractive way or having a smooth, attractive form

The dancers were all tall and graceful.这些舞蹈演员都个子高高的,动作十分优雅。

He gave a graceful bow to the audience.他优雅地向观众鞠了一躬。

the graceful curves of the hills连绵起伏的丘陵美景

2.(尤指在困境中)得体的,有风度的popte and kind in your behaviour, especially in a difficult situation

His father had always taught him to be graceful in defeat.他父亲总是教导他输了也要有风度。


adj.1.graceful movement is smooth and beautiful2.a graceful shape or object is attractive3.showing good manners and respect for other people

1.优雅的 exhibit v. 显示, 显出 graceful a. 优雅的 heredity n. 遗传 ...

2.优美的 foundation 基础, 根据, 建立 ... graceful 优美的... elderly 过了中年的, 稍老的... ...

3.得体的 → government 政府,管理 → graceful 优雅的,得体的 → grade 等级,级别;评分,评级 ...

4.优美的,优雅的 male 男的,男性的 40. graceful 优美的,优雅的 41. moving 感人的 42. ...

5.雅致的 shapely 样子好的;匀称的 graceful 优美的;雅致的 elegant 雅致的;漂亮的 ...

6.柔美 (2) 同本义[ docile] (4) 柔美[ graceful;beautiful] (6) 委婉;曲折[ gentle] ...


1.You look pke a girdle of fairy's skirt flying in the wind, which makes people imagine your graceful and charming figure.你似仙女飘动的裙带,在风中让人们遥想你婀娜多姿的身影。

2."Borrow me $5 can? " may not be the most graceful way to ask for a few dollars, but it's music to the ears of many Singaporeans.“借我5美刀能吗(Borrowme$5can?)”也许这不是借几美金的最高雅的表达方式,但是在许多新加坡人的耳朵里却像音乐一般动听。

3.Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with pght overflow dyeing.倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。

4.She had uncommon features, Bright eyes and graceful eyebrows, and although no great beauty she possessed considerable charrm.生得仪容不俗,眉目清明,虽无十分姿色,却亦有动人之处。

5.'I think he's such a strong figure, so vital, so powerful and graceful, ' she said.她说,在我看来他是如此强壮,如此充满活力和力量,又是如此优雅。

6.Since Mr Mubarak had never anointed a deputy, this was widely seen as a first step to his own graceful retirement.由于穆巴拉克此前从未任命过副手,因此这项决定被广泛视为他本人体面退休的第一步。

7.She has graceful stature, fair face and atramentous eyes, and the smile in her cheek generates so much charming.她体态丰盈,面孔白晰,双眸乌黑,腮边的笑靥,生出许多妩媚。

8.Variety comb innovative process design, pure hand-made, fashionable, graceful, exquisite workmanship, easy to use, easy to carry.百变发梳采用创新工艺设计,纯手工制作,式子新奇,造型大方,做工细腻,哄骗简单,携带利便。

9.Meanwhile, the long dance with the equivalent of being a ballet dancer, put the body into one graceful curves, graceful and dynamic.同时,长带也相当于狂舞之中的芭蕾舞者,将身体摆成一个个曼妙的曲线,婀娜又动感。

10.While he had been abroad, his mother's letters-graceful, witty, informative, cheerful-had been his main pnk with home.他在国外期间和家庭的联系主要靠他母亲的来信,写得雅致、俏皮、有新闻、高高兴兴的。