


美式发音: [ˈpitər] 英式发音: [ˈpiːtə(r)]


v.(水流,矿脉等)逐渐枯竭;消耗掉;(渐渐)消失 终止


第三人称单数:peters  现在分词:petering  过去式:petered  


v.1.(水流,矿脉等)逐渐枯竭;消耗掉 (out)2.(渐渐)消失 (out) 终止


n.1.either of two books of the Bible, originally letters, traditionally attributed to St. Peter.2.a safe or cash box3.the witness box in a court

v.1.in bridge and whist, to play a high card first, followed by a low card

1.彼得,她形容牠是个「鲁莽、大胆的小东西」,第二只兔子叫彼得Peter),无论她去哪里都会带著彼得,甚至还用宠物绳带著 …

2.何润东 雅各书 - James 彼得前书 - 1 Peter 彼得后书 - 2 Peter ...

5.彼得后书 提摩太前书-1 Timothy 彼得后书-2 Peter 约翰壹书-1 John ...

6.彼特  老彼特Peter)是澳大利亚人,是我们在去年《走出博客 相约大连》时认识的朋友,他跟着我们丰采园园友在远方一起来中国 …

7.陈可辛导演陈可辛Peter)前日50岁生日,太太吴君如特意包场为他举行生日派对,出席嘉宾巨星云集。君如透露有80多位亲友出席 …


例句释义:,彼得,《彼得书》,保险箱,逐渐枯竭,消耗掉,消失 终止,何润东,皮特,彼得前书

1.Its lead singer is Austrapas federal environment minister, Peter Garrett, who says the band was eager to help such a worthwhile cause.乐队主唱是澳大利亚联邦环境部长彼德。加勒特。他说,乐队非常乐意投身于这样一个很有意义的事业。

2."Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. "“到这儿来!”彼得又喊道。“你那样会摔下去的,爷爷可是叮嘱过我不能让你摔下山崖。”

3.No doubt Peter had come south from Gaplee to hear John the Baptist's preach.彼得显然是从北边的加利利远道南来,聆听施洗约翰的讲道。

4.All Peter could do was to throw himself down and seize one of her hind legs.彼得能做的就是抓住她的两条后腿。

5.And tried to put his foot upon Peter, who jumped out of a window, upsetting three plants.并尝试用脚踩向跳出窗外,打翻了三盆花的彼得。

6.Then St. Peter asked the second man if he had been faithful to his wife, and the man admitted to one affair. St.然后圣彼得问第二个人他这一生是否忠诚于他的妻子,这个人承认他有一次出轨。

7.On the next day as we were preparing to leave, Peter came running up to me.第二天,我们正准备离开,彼得跑向我。

8.Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。

9.European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said the talks were, if anything, "going backwards. " The meeting is to end on Sunday.欧盟贸易专员彼得.曼德尔森称这次会谈如果有什么的话,就是“又回到以前的状态了”。此次会议将在周日结束。

10.I wouldn't blame Peter for trying to get a new job because it must be boring to answer the phone all day long.整天接电话一定非常无聊,所以我不会责怪彼德试图找份新工作的做法。