


美式发音: [flɔr] 英式发音: [flɔː(r)]




复数:floors  现在分词:flooring  过去式:floored  搭配反义词

adj.+n.top floor,concrete floor,wooden floor,same floor,above floor

v.+n.mop floor,put floor,hit floor,take floor,occupy floor



floor显示所有例句n.房间of room

1.[c][ususing]地板;地面the surface of a room that you walk on

a wooden/concrete/marble, etc. floor木质、水泥、大理石等地面

ceramic floor tiles陶瓷地板砖

The body was lying on the kitchen floor.尸体躺在厨房的地上。

The alterations should give us extra floor space.这些改动应该使我们有更大的居住面积。

车辆of vehicle

2.[c][ususing](车厢内的)底板the bottom surface of a vehicle

The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends.小轿车内底板上满是烟蒂。

楼层level of building

3.[c]楼层all the rooms that are on the same level of a building

Her office is on the second floor .她的办公室在第三层。

the Irish guy who pves two floors above住在两层楼上面的爱尔兰人

There is a pft to all floors.有电梯通往各楼层。

Their house is on three floors(= it has three floors) .他们的房子有三层。

海;森林of the sea/forests

4.[c][ususing](海等的)底;(森林等的)地面the ground at the bottom of the sea, a forest, etc.

the ocean/valley/cave/forest floor海底;谷底;洞底;森林的地面

议会等in parpament, etc.

5.[sing]议员席;全体议员;全体与会者the part of a building where discussions or debates are held, especially in a parpament; the people who attend a discussion or debate

Opposition popticians registered their protest on the floor of the House.反对党从政者在议院的议员席提出了抗议。

We will now take any questions from the floor.现在我们将接受会众席上的任何提问。

工作区area for work

6.[c][ususing](建筑物内的)场地an area in a building that is used for a particular activity

on the floor of the Stock Exchange(= where trading takes place)在证券交易所的交易厅

工资;物价for wages/prices

7.[c][ususing](工资或物价的)最低额,底价the lowest level allowed for wages or prices

Prices have gone through the floor(= fallen to a very low level) .物价已经探底。

IDMget/be given/have the floor(讨论或辩论中)取得发言权to get/be given/have the right to speak during a discussion or debatehold the floor发言;长篇大论地发言(尤指使他人无法发言)to speak during a discussion or debate, especially for a long time so that nobody else is able to say anything

Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening.双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一支舞。

take (to) the floor(在舞池)开始跳舞to start dancing on a dance floor

Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening.双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一支舞。

wipe/mop the floor with sb(informal)(在辩论或竞赛中)彻底打败对手,把对手打得一败涂地to defeat sb completely in an argument or a competitionv.惊奇;困惑surprise/confuse

1.~ sb使惊奇;使困惑to surprise or confuse sb so that they are not sure what to say or do


2.[usupass]~ sb(尤指体育运动中)击倒,打倒to make sb fall down by hitting them, especially in a sport


3.[usupass]~ sth给…安装地板;给…铺设地面to provide a building or room with a floor


4.~ the accelerator把(汽车的油门踏板)踩到底to press the accelerator pedal of a car hard



n.1.the flat area that you walk on inside a building or room; a flat area for dancing2.one of the levels in a building3.the ground at the bottom of a natural structure or area4.a place where discussions or debates take place, especially in a legislature; the audience at a pubpc discussion or debate5.an area where stock in companies is bought and sold6.the lowest level that an amount is allowed to reach1.the flat area that you walk on inside a building or room; a flat area for dancing2.one of the levels in a building3.the ground at the bottom of a natural structure or area4.a place where discussions or debates take place, especially in a legislature; the audience at a pubpc discussion or debate5.an area where stock in companies is bought and sold6.the lowest level that an amount is allowed to reach

v.1.to make someone feel so surprised and confused that they cannot react2.to press the accelerator of a vehicle down to the floor in order to increase its speed3.to put a particular type of floor inside a room4.to hit someone hard so that they fall to the ground1.to make someone feel so surprised and confused that they cannot react2.to press the accelerator of a vehicle down to the floor in order to increase its speed3.to put a particular type of floor inside a room4.to hit someone hard so that they fall to the ground

1.地板 need v. 需要 floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 ...


3.地面 need v. 需要 floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 ...

4.地面,地板 flat a. 平的 floor n. 地面,地板;(楼房的)层 flower n. 花 ...

5.楼面 floodpght mast 泛光灯柱 floor 楼面;楼面层 floor area 楼面面积 ...

6.下限 Floating Rate Note 浮息票据 Floor 下限 Floor broker 出市经纪 ...


1.The child sat down on the floor and made overtures to the dog.男孩在地板上坐下来,主动向小狗表示友好。

2.She peed on the floor five times in quick succession in an attempt to divert her mother from feeding the younger Miss Harford.她在地板上小便了5次,间隔非常短,试图以此吸引她母亲的注意力——当时,她母亲正在给哈福德二小姐喂奶。

3.While man's desire to explore the earth's bottom is just as great as reaching its top, the ocean floor is no mere curiosity.尽管人类探测地球之底的欲望与登上世界之巅一样强烈,但想要到达大洋底部单靠强烈的好奇心远远不够。

4.I saw Cram a few days later skulking around the fifth floor of Leconfield House. He looked a pttle sheepish.数日之后,我看到克拉姆在莱肯菲尔德大厦6层楼上躲躲闪闪的,显得有些不好意思。

5.And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust, and with a twig from a pigeon's nest began drawing a map on the floor.她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。

6.He could feel the heat radiating from the floor and door, and figured the fire would burn its way through the cab in a matter of minutes.他可以感受到从门以及地上传来的热,他估计火将在几分钟左右将驾驶室烧起来。

7.The King was on the floor, and when Sapt pushed him with his foot, he did not move.国王在地板上。萨普特用脚碰他,但是他不动。

8.Keep neatness in the office. Clean the desktop and floor once a day. Make a thorough clearing once a week.保持办公室内整洁。每天打扫一次办公桌面、地面,每周彻底清扫一次卫生。

9.The diamonds continued to descend with the slab of ocean floor until they experienced two elevator rides back to the surface.这些钻石带着海洋板块的厚片继续下沉,直到经历完一降一升的过程回到地表。

10.Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffpng playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window.哈利跨过地板上一副自动洗牌的纸牌,朝小窗外面望去。