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网络释义:白细胞介素(interleukin);白介素;中间语言(Intermediate Language)





1.白细胞介素(interleukin)白细胞介素il)家族中既有促进又有抑制肝纤维化形成的因子,il4、il10抑制hsc的激活,il1,il 6可促进肝hsc细胞增殖,刺激h…

2.白介素白介素IL)由单核细胞、B淋巴细胞、肾间质细胞、成纤维细胞、皮肤朗罕细胞、天然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)、血管内皮细胞等 …

3.中间语言(Intermediate Language)种中间语言(IL).相反地,每当应用程序载入或JIT编译程序需要编译它时,IL就会被转换成本地代码.一旦这种转换完成,可以执行的 …


1.The agency said the action appeared to be a routine test, unrelated to Kim Jong Il's death.韩联社说,此举应该是例行试验,跟金正日之死无关。

2.North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong-il is thought to be ill and trying to ensure the succession of his youngest son.人们认为朝鲜隐居的领导人金正日病了,并且正努力确保他小儿子的继承权。

3.The body of his father, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, is displayed in another part of the palace, where visiting tourists can view it.金正日的父亲、朝鲜开国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)的遗体被安放在纪念宫的另一位置供游客瞻仰。

4."They clearly are interested in the region not spinning out of control, " he said, adding a reference to Kim Jong-il.“他们明显有意保持该地区局势不致失控,”他表示。

5."By granting a title to his only sister, Kim Jong-il is trying to signal that he is prioritising the army, " Mr Choi said.“通过向他唯一的姊妹授衔,金正日是在试图表明,他把军队放在优先考虑的位置。”

6.Kim Jong-il was one of the world's most reclusive and enigmatic leaders, presiding over a secretive and internationally isolated country.金正日生前是世界上最深居简出、最高深莫测的领袖人物之一,他领导着一个在国际上孤立无援的秘密国家——朝鲜。

7.ROK President Lee Myung-bak said he is wilpng to meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong Il to help the denuclearization of Korean peninsula.李明博周一说,他愿意与朝鲜领导人金正日会谈,帮助实现朝鲜半岛无核化。

8.To be able to keep "il capriccio " it probably takes a new owner with a love for the beautiful game and enough money to pay him.俱乐部的新东家要热爱华丽的比赛打法,并且有足够的金钱支付他的工资,如此有可能留住他。

9.Many thought it was a gamble bringing him in from Real Madrid in January, but Il Fenomeno has proved his critics wrong.一月份从皇马引进罗纳尔多的时候,很多人认为这是一场赌博。但是“现象”已经证明批评他的人是错的。

10.Washington is also concerned that Kim Jong Il is trying to present North Korea internationally as a declared nuclear-power.华盛顿方面还担心朝鲜领导人金正日正在努力让朝鲜以宣布有核国家的身份亮相国际舞台。