

flower market

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1.花市一座经过翻新的18世纪运河房屋内,靠近阿姆斯特丹的花卉市场Flower Market),距离Leidseplein Square广场有10分钟 …

3.鲜花市场 Centre酒店的每间客房均配备了带特别宾客通讯入口网站的平面电视。鲜花市场Flower Market)和伦勃朗广场(Rembrand…

4.花墟道店,花的种类众多,价格也很便宜,一打玫瑰才20港币。许多市民都会趁周末到花墟道(Flower Market)逛逛买花,顺道欣赏 …

5.花鸟市场 ... “花鸟市场”" Flower Market" “ 眼科医院”" Eye Hospital " ...

6.花卉拍卖场 ★ 红灯区( Rod Light District) ★ 花卉拍卖场( Flower Market) ★ 梵高博物馆( Van Gogh Museum) ...

7.逛花市 holland-42/ tupp 郁金香 holland-41/ flower market 逛花市 holland-40/ steep stairs 楼梯ㄚ ...


1.The Yunnan Kunming fresh flower market is at the beginning of the year prosperous.新年伊始,云南昆明鲜花市场繁荣。

2.So Theresa gave her the flowers to arrange . The house was not far from the flower market. Marian had gone there every few days.于是特丽萨让她帮忙摆花。房子离花市并不远,玛丽安每隔几天就去一次。

3.Phalaenopsis is evergreen perennial herbs, one of the most popular flower varieties in flower market in recent years.蝴蝶兰为多年生常绿草本,是近几年花卉市场最受青睐的花卉品种之一。

4.Usually billed as the world's only floating flower market, most of the Bloemenmarkt is actually located on house boats moored on a canal.常常自诩为世界上独一无二的水上花市,实则大多数是在停泊于水面之上的船屋。

5.Works of two groups by Yufeng Flower Market in Anhui International Convention and Exhibition Center and received the first prize groups.作品两次由裕丰花市组团在安徽国际会展中心展出,并获得团体一等奖。

6.Walk to almost all famous museums, as well as The flower market and the main shopping street.从这里您可以步行前往几乎所有著名的博物馆、花卉市场和主要的购物街。

7.Some suggestion is apposed to let readers have a reapzation of the Jinan flower market, and render some suggestions for the investers.由此提出一些分析和建议,以期使人们对济南花卉市场有深层次的了解。

8.At the flower market she walked up and clown in front of the stalls , and saw more clearly because of her decision, so she thought.在花市她在花亭前转来转去,由于她的决定她看得愈发的清楚了,她是这样想的。

9.Once the huge banquet was eaten, everyone would watch television and then head out to the flower market at around 1am!吃完了丰盛的大餐之后,所有人就会去看电视,而后会在凌晨1点左右去逛花市!

10.Li lei, will you accompany me to the flower market this afternoon? Tomorrow's Mother's day, so I need some carnation for my mother.李蕾,今天下午能陪我去一下花市吗?明天是母亲节,我想给母亲买康乃馨。