




1.车速递2009年12月,一家定位于创新服务模式的连锁租车品牌——车速递(Car To Go),悄然在上海开业,随后开始稳步扩张。http://m…

2.车速递租车车速递租车car to go)是国内首家专注于个人用车需求的新型全国连锁租车企业,总部位于上海。自2009年12月第一家门店 …


1.One couple came into our office to ask the ARP branch director for permission to borrow a car to go and get their marriage certificate.有一对男女到我们办公室里来向防空处长借汽车去领结婚证书。

2.Today, hopday, After breakfast, I do not know is the home to see the next hesitate, or follow the dawn to catch a car to go home.今天放假,吃过早饭,不知是不是该回家看看,犹豫了下,还是踏着朝霞搭上汽车回家了。

3.After walking around the site, we got back in the car to go home, and our mood took a sharp downward turn.我们围着矿场散步走了一圈后,回到车上准备往回走,这时我们的心情一下跌到了谷底。

4.The other drivers move to the left and the right, allowing the no-longer-obstructed car to go on its way.然后,其他司机向左右两边开去,从而使那些急于通行的汽车能够继续往前开去。

5.I've been away from the US for one year and I miss you so much. Come, let's get into the car to go to the hotel.我离开美国已经一年了,真想你们啊。走,我们先上车去宾馆吧。丹尼尔

6.Finally, we took the same car to go home. There was no word during our way to home.最后我们还是坐同一辆车回家了,一路上我们一直无话。

7.Every time he made from the first carriages came to the last one, but the car to go to every time he needn't will eventually find space.每次,他都做好了从第一节车厢走到最后一节车厢的准备,可是每次他都用不着走到最后就会发现空位。

8.Looking at in the street a car to come to car to go toward, leave to walk, the detection have no of festival details.看着街上车来车往,离离走走,发现没有任何的节日情节。

9.Well , I racks Instead of your brothers , and their consumption on the night today, I would pke your car to go home .好好好,谁让我摊上你这个兄弟了,今天我就和他们耗一夜,我先开车送你回家。

10.Husbands need a car to go to work . Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or other activities.做丈夫的需要一辆车开去工作,做家庭主妇的需要一辆车开去购物或去学校接小孩,或者是去参加其他的活动。