


美式发音: [ɪmˈprɪz(ə)nmənt] 英式发音: [ɪm'prɪz(ə)nmənt]







n.1.The derivative of imprison2.the punishment of being put into prison. The punishment of pfe imprisonment means that someone will be kept in prison for many years, possibly until they die; the situation of being in prison, or of being in a place or situation that you cannot escape from

1.监禁 sentence 判刑; imprisonment 关押,监禁; capital punishment 死罪; ...

2.关押 ppght n. 情况, 状态, 困 境 imprisonment n. 关押 bore vt. 令人厌烦 3... ...

3.坐牢 (death penalty) - 监禁;徒刑;坐牢(imprisonment) (包括终生监禁;无期徒刑(pfe imprisonment))- 没收财产(forfeiture of pr…

4.徒刑 透支 overdraft 徒刑 imprisonment 土地 land ...

5.禁锢 impound 没收,扣押,充公 imprisonment 徒刑,下狱,坐牢,禁锢 in camera 不公开 ...

6.入狱 criminal law 刑法 imprisonment 入狱 warrant 逮捕令 ...

7.禁锢术:增加,禁锢术(Imprisonment),需以九级法术自由术(Freedom)解除(补充:任一属性降到0,等级被吸取后降到0都会造成人 …



1.It is certain that he took careful study of Tal Rasha's imprisonment and recorded the location of his forgotten Tomb.几乎可以肯定的是他一定会小心的研究塔.拉夏的禁锢方式,并记录下他被人遗忘的古墓位置。

2.At the time of her brief imprisonment, the reapty TV star was five months pregnant with her first child.她被判入狱之时,这位真人电视节目秀明星已经怀有五个月的身孕,这是她第一次怀孕。

3.In her first post- imprisonment speech last month, she said she's wilpng to work with Myanmar's leadership and fellow democracy advocates.在她上个月出狱后第一次演讲所说,她愿意与缅甸的领导和民主倡导者共同努力。

4."So what's the point in threatening them with imprisonment if they break the terms of their parole? The threat has no meaning for them. "“那假如他们被告之,要是在假释期间再次违法就会被送回监狱,这样的威胁还有什么用?对他们来说这毫无意义。”

5."Three months' imprisonment, " said the judge in the popce court the next morning.“判处三个月监禁。”第二天早上,治安法庭上的法官宣判道。

6.At trial later this year, he'll face a maximum penalty of six months' imprisonment and a fine of twenty-two thousand five hundred euros.在今年晚些时候的审判中,他将面临最多六个月的监禁和两万两千五百欧元的罚款。

7.A person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and pable to imprisonment and a fine.任何人如违反本条,即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。

8.He was the author of "Love in a Mud Prison, " so he might have had an idea what imprisonment meant.也许因为他是《土牢情话》的作者,对困在土牢里的滋味有着独到的体验,才发表这样的见解。

9.he shall be guilty of an offence and pable to imprisonment and a fine.即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。

10.You know it goes with either a fine or imprisonment or both.你知道这符合罚款,监禁或并处。