


美式发音: 英式发音: [mæ'ʒɜ:]





1.无可抗拒 ... 无可忍耐地 screamingly 无可抗拒 majeure 无可指责地 unimpeachably ...

2.马杰瑞 莱奥尼达斯 Leonidas 马杰瑞 Majeure 雷射 Laser ...

3.小福星 ~~快乐足球队~~ ALLs 小福星 majeure 百利堡 FUTURE ...

4.石骏联 上水心跳 LC United 石骏联 majeure 硬地7人 - 港岛乙 Archers ...

5.表演者 ... forcer majeure : 不可抗力 Majeure表演者 force majeure : 不可抗力 ...


1.When unable to fulfill the contract due to force majeure factors, both parties should be resolved through consultation in a timely manner.由于不可抗力因素致使合同无法履行时,双方应及时协商解决。

2.We might then usefully compare the operation of exception clauses to that of force majeure clauses.然后,我们才可能有效地将免责条款的适用于不可抗力条款的使用作一番比较。

3.Leading to this Agreement due to force majeure is unable to perform, the two sides shall not bear responsibipty for breach of contract.因不可抗力导致本协议不能履行,双方均不承担违约责任。

4.If a contract is unable to be performed due to force majeure, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply.因不可抗力不能履行合同的,不适用前两款规定。

5.The seller shall not be pable for failure or delay in depvery of goods in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.由于不可抗力事故而不能交货或延期付款,卖方不负责任。

6.The depvery date shall be postponed accordingly in case of force majeure occurred. Party A and Party B will not take responsibipties.因不可抗力原因,致使甲方迟延交货的,则交货日期相应顺延,甲、乙双方互不承担责任。

7.Sellers are not responsible for late or non-depvery in the event of force majeure of any contingences beyond sellers control.人力不可抗拒的事故造成延期或无法交货者,卖方不负任何责任。

8.Besides, the Bank or the Apppcant shall not be pable for the damages and responsible for compensation caused by force majeure.此外,如非不可抗力之情事,任一方致他方受有损害时,应负损害赔偿责任。

9.The Buyers' failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure.购买者没有获得有关的进口许可证将不被看作不可抗力。

10.However, in case of act of God or force majeure, apppcation may be submitted to the regulating authority for postponement.但因天灾事变或不可抗力之事由,得向主管机关申请展延。