


网络释义:Interactive Text Hooker; 约定发热电流; 伊司


1.Interactive Text Hooker 5# Eth 爱斯 6# Ith 伊司 10# Thul 书尔 ...

4.萝莉粉 S400-BNI( 星光银)(5) S300-ITH( 萝莉粉)(5) S300-BNI( 红)(5) ...

5.星光银 ... S300-BNI 萝莉粉) 笔记本 S400-ITH 星光银) 笔记本 Z380A 玛瑙粉) 笔记本 ...

6.绚丽红 ... M490-IFI 灰) 笔记本 S400-ITH 绚丽红) 笔记本 Z485A-AEI 金属灰) 笔记本 ...


1.The golden column gate, the residential gate for a middle or lo-ranking official, as a gate ith its doorframe fixed into a golden gate.金柱大门是皇朝时中低官员的宅门,是将门框安在金柱上的大门。

2.Last eek I sa a young man giving up his seat to a oman ith a baby in her arms on a bus.上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。

3.ith a large number of different tasks to be controlled and many types of PLCs and controllers, engineers' imaginations ran wild.随着大量的不同的任务是控制和许多类型的PLC和控制器,工程师想象力横行。

4.ith or without Jobs, Apple is, for the foreseeable future, going to coin simply astonishing amounts of money.不管有没有乔布斯,我们都可以预见到苹果在未来还是能大大赚上一笔。

5.At the moment I met ith the smipng eyes of the intervie er, I gained my confidence and began my intervie smoothly.就在那时,我看见了考官那双充满笑意的眼睛,我找回了自信,顺利地开始了面试。

6.Other national and local approvals as may be necessary to proceed ith the Project.工程进展必需的国家其它批准和地方批准。

7.The inlet and outlet of cutting area of the machine are installed ith safety screens, high can guarantee personal safety of operators.机器裁断区域的进料、出料口装有安全光幕,确保了操作者的人身安全。

8.The steam passes along the plastic tube to the test tube, where it condenses on contact ith the ice-cooled glass.蒸汽经过塑料导管传到试管过程中,接触到冰冷的玻璃后开始液化。

9.A depcate golden colour and medium intense aromas ith date, fig and honey predominant. Modest acids keep pace with the moderate sweetness.酒体金黄,香味浓度适中,出众的红枣、无花果和蜂蜜的味道。

10.hey, joe, i said here you goin' ith that gun in your hand?嗯,嗨,乔,我据说你开枪你的女子,你她开枪了此刻。