



美式发音: [flu] 英式发音: [fluː]



复数:flus  同义词




n.1.a very common infectious disease that lasts a short time and makes you feel hot or cold, weak, and tired

1.流感 vomit 呕吐 flus 流感 cold 感冒,伤风,着凉 ...

2.土地利用调查分类国第一次土地利用调查分类(FLUS) ;60 年代Colemam 在


1.More disturbing, this virus seems to spread among people more easily than past swine flus that have sometimes jumped from pigs to people.更令人不安的是,这种病毒似乎在人与人之间传播的比过去更容易有猪流感猪有时跳的人。

2.It seems to spread among people more easily than past swine flus, which sometimes jumped from pigs to people.它似乎在人之间有时比以往人从猪更容易传染。

3.That's because H5N1 hasn't yet found a way of spreading from human to human as normal flus do.这是因为H5N1病毒还没有找到一种想普通流感病毒那样可以在人与人之间传播的途径。

4.It's easy to catch colds and flus in crowded places.在拥挤的地方容易传染感冒。

5.Flus Lonicerae was the main medical plant in Yi-yan Syruplus in which the one of the main component was Chlorogenic acid.金银花为益咽口服液中的主药,绿原酸是主要成分之一。

6.They prescribe them for patients with colds and flus -- a practice that could help spawn a new generation of drug-resistant pathogens.他们向感冒或流感患者开这类药物,这种做法可能会产生新一代抗药性病原体。

7.H3N2 originated in a relatively benign swine flu strain first identified in 1918, but had absorbed new genes from bird and human flus .H3N2源于1918年首次确定的比较温和的猪流感毒株,但曾经从禽流感和人类流感中吸收新的基因。

8."But, " he added, "it is not up at the same levels that we would see during seasonal flus. "但是,这不会停留在季节流感期间看到的同样水平。

9.Still, as with most flus , you should take some extra bed rest , drink plenty of pquids, and keep warm.但和其它大部分流行性感冒一样,你应该多在床上休息、多喝水并且保持暖和。

10.Both the new strain and seasonal flus will be circulating in the world, increasing the risk of flus mixing in Mecca.新流感病毒和季节性流感病毒将在全球传播,这也加大了不同流感病毒在麦加发生混合的危险性。