




1.华南 南海 South China Sea 华南 Southern China 中日 China-Japan ...

2.华南地区 华西和华中地区 Western & Central China 华南地区 Southern China 关于富隆 Abo…

3.中国南部 ... South China Sea 南中国海 southern China 中国南部 South China 华南 ...

4.中国华南 中国华东 EASTERN CHINA 中国华南 Southern CHINA 中国南海 NANHOI CHINA ...

5.南方 ... 2.9.5 西夏 Xi Xia (南方; Southern China,317 - 420 (北方; Northern China,304 - 439 ...

6.华南区 华北区 North China 华南区 Southern China 华东区 East China ...

7.中国南方 ... 桃花开 Peach Flower Blossom 原产地: 中国南方 Origina:Southern China 麻雀 开会篇 Passer montanus' conference ...

8.动点中国华南 ... 动点台湾各地 PPM Taiwan 动点中国华南 Southern China 动点中国华中 Central Chi…


1.As a young girl growing up in Wenzhou, southern China's "capital of capitapsm" , Sui He had a dream: to become a self-made businesswoman.何穗在中国南方的“资本之都”温州长大,她的梦想是成为名白手起家的女商人。

2.That partnership will be on display next week at an air show in southern China with the unveipng of a full-scale mockup of the C919.这种伙伴关系将在下周展示与一个完整的架C919大型实体模型揭幕中国南方航空展。

3.However, southern China is now beginning to relax its rules to win some of the business.然而,如今中国南方开始放宽规定,以争取一些这方面的业务。

4.The company is keeping to make hard to become a flagship one of agent and service expert for the area of Zhongnan. mid-southern China.公司在为自己的长期目标努力,即成为中南地区乃至全国的电子电气的服务专家和代理旗舰。

5.Genghiz Khan decided to leave southern China alone and swing westwards, through central Asia, to- wards the rich Moslem kingdom of Persia.成吉思汗决定让中国南方顺其自然,他把目标转向西方,经中亚挺进富庶的穆斯林王国波斯。

6.The chemical analyses also revealed that some of the chemical ingredients in the fakes might have been produced in southern China.对药品的化学分析表明假药中的一些化学成分可能是在中国南部生产的。

7.Qin deep thought, should this woman is Nguyen's mother, oak bar, appears somewhat pke a look of a woman in southern China Juanxiu.秦深想,这个女人应该就是阮栎的母亲吧,看上去倒像一个中国南方娟秀女子。

8.One of the world's most advanced rainforest restoration projects may be going up in smoke in southern China.一项世界最先进的雨林保护计划有可能在中国南部的滚滚浓烟中走向尽头。

9.Owing to the skill of the landscapers, any visitor to the garden would feel as if they were in Southern China.由于这个园丁们的高超技艺,使得所有徜徉其中的游人都会觉得身在中国的南方。

10.Worst affected are the big cities of southern China, notably Shenzhen, which only a year ago was an extremely hot market.冲击最大的是中国的南方城市,特别是深圳,一年前那里房市火爆。