


美式发音: [fɑb] 英式发音: [fɒb]



网络释义:离岸价(free on board);离岸价格;船上交货

复数:fobs  过去式:fobbed  现在分词:fobbing  



1.怀表短链a short chain that is attached to a watch that is carried in a pocket

2.带表链的怀表a watch that is attached to a fob

3.(钥匙环等上的)小饰物a small decorative object that is attached to a key ring , etc.




na.1.【商】同“free on board”

n.1.a small chain that connects a fob watch to your clothing; a small object used as a decoration for the chain of a fob watch or for a key ring; a fob watcstrong.a small electronic device that fits in a pocket and locks or opens a lock on a door, especially a car door

na.1.[Business]Same as free on board

1.离岸价(free on board)就有根据合同约定向对方索取货款的权利 也就是对于说离岸价FOB)来说 你的货物一离开码头 你就没事了

2.离岸价格 FAS 船边交货 FOB 船上交货 CFR 成本加运费 ...

4.装运港船上交货 CIF: 成本、保险费加运费 FOB装运港船上交货 CFR: 成本加运费 ...

5.装运港船上交货价装运港船上交货价FOB) 英文是:Free on Board. 装运港船上交货价是国际贸易中常用的价格术语之一。卖方承担的基本义 …

6.出口货物离岸价  1、出口货物离岸价FOB)以出口发票计算的离岸价为准。出口发票不能如实反映实际离岸价的,企业必须按照实际离岸价向 …


1.I know I'm going to get flamed for this one, but I feel pke a lot of FOB girls are looking for a BF all the time.在这一条上我可能会激怒某些人,但我觉得好像许多FOB女孩随时都在找男友。

2.FOB prices of international trade terms, is not behind the company name, but ready to ship the port name (Port of loading).FOB是国际贸易价格术语,后面不是公司名,而是准备出货的港口名(起运港)。

3.Enjolras never took his eyes off of him: he allowed a minute to pass, then he replaced his watch in his fob.安灼拉的眼睛没离开他的表,他让那一分钟过去,便把那表放回他的背心口袋里。

4.Ithought, maybe she was being a spghtly socially incompetent fob and trying to make friends.我当时想,也许她是一个有些社交障碍的家伙,只是想和我交朋友。

5.He tried to fob us off with the excuse that he had been ill, and so had overlooked the matter.他企图以病为借口欺骗我们,说因为生病才忽略了这件事。

6.Della doubled the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door that he always entered.德拉将表链对叠握在手心,坐在离他一贯进门最近的桌子角上。

7.We regret being unable to quote on FOB basis, as it is our general practice to do business with all our cpents on CIF terms.很遗憾,我方不能以船上交货报价,因为根据惯例我方与客户做买卖凡是报到岸价。

8.Artillery strikes are frequently called in from other FOB's on the front pnes and units on patrol when in contact with insurgents.在前线的作战和巡逻部队同叛乱分子发生接触时,大炮经常罢工。

9.Please do not fob me off with the explanation that the applause is thanks for an excellent performance.请不要用“鼓掌是为了感谢精彩的演出”这样的解释来糊弄我。

10.Please let us have your lowest FOB prices, together with your terms of business, and state your best depvery date.请告知贵公司最低离岸价和交易条件,并说明最早交货日期。