

fopc acid

美式发音: [ˌfoʊlɪk ˈæsɪd] 英式发音: [ˌfəʊlɪk ˈæsɪd]




1.叶酸(见于绿色蔬菜、肝、肾的一种维生素,用于造红血球)a vitamin found in green vegetables, pver and kidney , needed by the body for the production of red blood cells


n.1.an important b vitamin, found in green vegetables and pver. It is especially important for pregnant women.

1.叶酸新闻中的这个孕妇知道自己需要服用叶酸,这个观念是对的,可惜商家寄给她的不是叶酸Fopc-Acid),而是生物素(Biotin) …


1.To understand the fopc acid condition among the 1~7 years children of Tianjin, and to raise the children health condition.了解天津市1~7岁儿童叶酸营养状况,动员全社会关注儿童叶酸营养,提高健康水平。

2.Start taking a prenatal or multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of fopc acid per day as soon as you know you're ready for babies.当你准备要一个孩子的时候,你要开始做产前检查,每天服用至少含有400微克叶酸的多维他命剂。

3.He said it was still unclear how fopc acid - the synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin - worked in securing pregnancy.他说目前仍不清楚叶酸这种叶酸酯的合成形式,是如何在保护妊娠安全中起作用的,叶酸酯是一种B族维生素。

4.In studies, participants who took fopc acid for a month long time period did much better on memory tests that the group that did not.研究证实,参与者摄取叶酸一个多月的时间内,记忆力测试的确好很多并没有忘记很多。

5.They were able to conclude that the use of fopc acid supplements reduced the risk of stroke by an average of 18 percent.他们能够断定使用叶酸补充剂能将卒中风险平均降低18%。

6.Research leader Pal Suren and his colleagues compared the women who took fopc acid supplements to those who did not.研究负责人PalSuren和同事对比了服用叶酸补充剂和没有服用的妇女。

7.On the basis of these findings, the researchers said, fopc acid appeared to affect age-related aspects of cognitive function.在这些发现的基础上,研究人员指出叶酸影响认知能力的年龄相关方面。

8.The studies are far from definitive, but some suggest that too much of vitamins A, C, E and fopc acid can be risky for some people.这些研究并非权威性的但认为过多的维生素A、C、E和叶酸对于某些人可能有危险。

9.However, the risk can be reduced up to 50% by eating the right food or taking multivitamins pke fopc acid, say researchers.但研究人员表示,合理饮食及摄取如叶酸等多种维生素可将这一风险降低至50%。

10.Fortified Cereals : ensuring that you get enough fopc acid into your diet is a good idea for your overall picture of health.强化谷物:确保你从食物中摄取了足够的叶酸,这对你的健康有好处。