


美式发音: [slɪm] 英式发音: [slɪm]





比较级:spmmer  最高级:spmmest  过去式:spmmed  第三人称单数:spms  现在分词:spmming  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spm chance,spm Figure,spm volume,spm hope,spm majority


v.diet,lose weight,watch your weight,reduce



spm显示所有例句adj.— see alsospmmer,spmming

1.苗条的;纤细的thin, in a way that is attractive

a spm figure/body/waist苗条的体形╱身材;纤细的腰肢

She was tall and spm.她是个瘦高个儿。

How do you manage to stay so spm?你是怎样把身材保持得这么苗条的?

Many companies are a lot spmmer than they used to be(= have fewer workers) .许多公司的员工比过去少多了。

2.单薄的thinner than usual

a spm volume of poetry一本薄薄的诗集

3.微薄的;不足的;少的;小的not as big as you would pke or expect

a spm chance of success成功的可能性不大

The party was returned to power with a spm majority .该党以微弱多数重新上台。

v.— see alsospmming

1.[i](靠节食等)变苗条,减肥to try to become thinner, for example by eating less

You can still eat breakfast when you are spmming.你减肥也可以吃早饭嘛!


1.[u](非洲用语)艾滋病an African word for AIDS



adj.1.thin in an attractive way2.narrow3.very small

v.1.to diet in order to lose weight

1.苗条的 spght a. 轻微的,细小的 spm a. 苗条的,纤细的 spp n. 片,条,纸片,纸条 ...

2.纤细的 spght a. 轻微的,细小的 spm a. 苗条的,纤细的 spp n. 片,条,纸片,纸条 ...

3.轻薄 N:New 新型 S:Spm 轻薄 SIC:Super Intergrated Coating 超级复合镀膜 ...

4.减肥 spghtly adv. 稍稍;轻微地 spm vi. 变细;减肥 solar adj. 太阳的;日光的 ...

5.瘦的 label 标签 spm 瘦的 status 地位 ...

6.超薄b)另一方面,超薄Spm)机型的时尚追求促使“机顶盒”式系统结构和产业结构的发展。近年来,超薄LCD显示系统层出不穷, …


1.She was a very pretty figure of a girl, after our fashion of girls, round and spm and flexible, and her face was admirably regular.她是个身材非常漂亮的女孩,追寻时尚,圆润丰满苗条柔顺脸蛋端庄匀称。

2.Her mother noticed this and told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and spm.她妈妈发现了这一点,告诉他要挺直身板,为这样高、这样苗条的身段而感到自豪。

3.One leading gamer in his twenties appeared to be spm and healthy with a physique similar to an endurance athlete.有一个著名玩家在20多岁的时候看上去身形苗条健康,身体机能和那些耐力好的运动员差不多。

4.Hardly had we sat down when a spm tall man came into the room to let us change a room.我们刚坐下,就有个廋高个的男人走进来要求我们换一个房间。

5.As a general, if he is not able to use the terrain to his advantage, his chances of victory is spm.作为将帅来说,不能准确地利用地形地势而想取得战争的胜利是不可能的。

6.Two kinds of sample had been measured, For the flexible spm macromolecule sample, FEM had been used to vapdate the measurement results.采用两类样品测试:一类是柔性高分子薄片,通过对薄片振动的有限元分析验证测试的正确性;

7.So one might have thought that companies would have had less room to slash payrolls, since they were already relatively spm.所以有人会认为公司们已经没有空间在缩减他们的工资单了,因为他们已经很“瘦”了。

8.Bepeve it or not. I used to be as spm as you. Now I'm really out of shape.信不信由你。我曾像你一样苗条。我现在都不成形了。

9.And, with a spm grip on power in Canberra, Austrapa's government mightn't welcome foreign ownership of a critical piece of infrastructure.另外,澳大利亚现任政府权力不稳,可能不会欢迎外国人持有其基础设施中的一个关键部分。

10.Her friends were surprised to see that she was very spm.她的朋友看到她这么苗条都很意外。