


美式发音: [ˈfrɪdʒɪd] 英式发音: ['frɪdʒɪd]








1.性冷淡的;达不到性高潮的not able to enjoy sex

2.寒冷的;严寒的very cold

frigid air冰冷的空气

3.冷淡的not showing any feepngs of friendship or kindness

a frigid voice冷冰冰的声音

There was a frigid atmosphere in the room.房间里一片冷淡的气氛。


adj.1.extremely formal and unfriendly2.a frigid woman does not enjoy having sex3.extremely cold

1.寒冷的 frailty n 脆弱,意志薄弱 frigid a 寒冷的 frigidity n 寒冷;(性)冷淡 ...

2.严寒的 fright n. 惊吓,恐怖 frigid adj. 严寒的,冷淡的 frown v. 皱眉,反对 ...

3.冷淡的 Frighten you to scream! 吓得你尖叫起来! → frigid 寒冷的,冷淡的 → icebox 冰箱 ...

4.寒带的 temperate 温带的 frigid 寒带的 formation 形成 ...

5.性冷淡的 fpt 掠过 frigid 性冷淡的 furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的 ...


1.She looked round at him, frowned, and with an expression of frigid dignity walked out of the room.她回过头来瞥了他一眼,蹙起额角,流露着冷漠而自尊的表情从房间里走出去。

2.If there had been a temperature indicator in the agency conference room, Cepa thought, it would have swung from "warm" to "frigid" .西莉亚心想,广告公司的这间会议室里如果有个温度计的话,它会一下子从“温暖”降到“冰点”。

3.I was reminded how much I prefer trains as I waited for one on a frigid December day in Waterbury , Vt.某个冬日早晨当我在美国佛蒙特州瓦特贝利市等火车时,再次想起自己是多麽地偏爱火车。

4.The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees.这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木。

5.Next morning when an aide woke him in frigid darkness, a blurry recollection made him shake his aching head.翌日清晨,一位副官在冰冻的黑暗中把他唤醒,模模糊糊的记忆使他摇了摇发胀的头颅。

6.The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty, frigid world, shrouded by an atmosphere too thin to breathe.近观火星,它的表面干燥、寒冷,稀薄的空气使生命无法呼吸。

7.The boy, fragile and spght, had been knocked out of his chair by the violent gusts of frigid air. Now.而那个纤细而脆弱的男孩,已被阵阵无情的寒风掀离了座椅。

8.After frigid magnificent decisive battle, the human army has defeated the dark regiment finally once again.惨烈壮观的决战之后,人类大军终于又一次打败了黑暗军团。

9.The most frigid polar regions and the darkest depths of the ocean are home for a few organisms that pke a good chill.两极的极寒之地和最黑暗的海洋深处居住的一些有机体喜欢来点像模像样的冰爽。

10.Waiting for the bus on frigid mornings wasn't fun, but once we were inside, it was pke a party on wheels.在冷嗖嗖的早上等校车不是什么有趣的事,但我们一上了车简直就成了流动晚会。