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1.方丹 皮谢尔 Percier 丰丹 Fontaine 公园弯道 Park Crescent ...

5.丹的,这里就是历代法国王后的私人套房。19世纪时,在拿破仑一世御用建筑师丰丹的Fontaine)主持下,这里被布置一新,成 …


1.I find this fable written by de la Fontaine for the Dauphin to be particularly interesting as a cultural artifact.我觉得这是芳丹寓言通过书面的海豚被作为一种文化产物,特别是有趣的。

2.It's that comfy let me on it. So comfortable the A Fontaine Echo bed.好舒服,我要躺在上面。

3.Besides--do you want him to be an exile pke Tony Fontaine?再说----你难道愿意让他像托尼-方丹那样流落他乡吗?

4.In this fable, de la Fontaine instructs the Dauphin that wealth and ease can come at a significant cost.在这个寓言中,德拉方丹指出Dauphin财富和减轻可能会产生显着的成本。

5.Walking is a total body exercise, and you can moderate the pace and control the intensity, Fontaine says.方丹说,走路是一种全身运动。你可以调节步速、控制强度。

6.Ohh. . . So comfy it must be the A-Fontaine Echo bed.噢,噢…好爽啊,一定是一张…床。

7.It was on March 31, 1668 that Jean de la Fontaine presented his first work: "Selected Fables. "正是在1668年3月31日是让德拉方丹介绍了他的第一部作品:“选择寓言。”

8.Raise your arms over your head, or move them from side to side, Fontaine advises.方丹建议,将手臂举过头,或者左右摆动。

9.Among her other works are the translation The Fables of La Fontaine (1954) and the essays Predilections (1955).其他尚有翻译作品《拉封丹寓言集》(1954)和随笔集《嗜好》(1955)。

10.You are Ma's own blood son, but did she take on that time Tony Fontaine shot you in the leg?你是妈妈的亲生儿子,但那次托尼·方丹打伤了你的腿,她发过火吗?