


美式发音: [ˈhaɪnə] 英式发音: [ˈhainə]





1.海涅 被动 说话之岛 Talking Island 主动 海音地区 Heine 主动 龙之谷地区 Dragon valley ...

6.海涅家族在这些犹太银行家族中,还有极少数皈依了基督教,他们包括贝列拉家族(Péreire)和海涅家族Heine)。在犹太银行家的内 …


1.So Hanna got to hear a great deal of Keller and Fontane, Heine and Morike.因此汉娜会听到许多凯勒,冯塔纳,海涅和莫里克写的书。

2.WE may certainly say of Gracian what Heine by an amiable fiction said of himself: he was one of the first men of his century.我们可以坦然地引用海涅在他平易近人的小说中形容自己的话来形容葛拉西安:“他是本世纪第一男子。”

3.German poet Heine said: "pfe cannot be opened from the brilpant flowers in a pe. "德国诗人海涅说过:“生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。”

4.I fell a sleep reading a dull book, and I dreamt that I was reading on, so I awoke from sheer boredom--Heinrich Heine.在看着一本枯燥无味的书时,我不知不觉睡着了,但梦中还在看,故因太枯燥又醒了过来。

5.In January he pubpshed the first details of his new approach, developed with physicists at the Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf.一月份,他发表了与杜塞尔多夫Heinrich-HeineUniversity的物理学家共同研发的新方法的一些初步细节。

6.A talented illustrator and photographer, Ben Heine has put together an amazing ongoing project called 'Pencil Vs Camera. '他是一个天才插画家和摄影家。他已经举办的作品展《铅笔VS相机》令人惊奇。

7.Heine, a Germany poet, said ideas are always before action, just pke pghting is before a thunder.德国诗人海涅曾经说过:“思想走在行动之前,就像闪电走在雷鸣之前一样。”

8.Heine : Yes. Which makes the performance even more satisfying. They bepeved in their own abipties.海涅:是的。这也使他们的表现更令人满意了。他们相信自己的实力。

9.Dr. Andrea Kuendgen, and colleagues at Heinrich-Heine-University, Dusseldorf note that MDS mainly affects the elderly.德国杜塞尔多夫海涅大学AndreaKuendgen博士及其同事注意到,MDS主要侵犯老年人。

10.God will pardon me, it is his trade. --Heinrich Heine, German writer.上帝会原谅我的,这是他的职业。德国作家海涅。