

food security

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n.food crisis


n.1.粮食安全; 粮食保障

1.粮食安全 出口补贴 export subsidy 粮食安全 food security 政府采购 government procurement ...

2.食品安全 ·the Group of Seven — 七国集团 ·food security食品安全 ·obesity — 肥胖症 ...

3.食物保障食物保障 (Food Security)这个名词虽然不多人知道,但是随著粮食危机和气候变迁的问题,这个议题关系到世界上馁一个人的 …

4.粮食保障       粮食安全/粮食保障food security)指数量上的食品保障,即每个人必须在食物的数量上得到基本满足,以防饥饿与营养不良。

5.食物安全国际社会使用的是食物安全Food Security ),在我国常翻译为“粮食安全”或广义上的粮食安全,它包括粮食和其他所有能够 …

6.食品保障良好农业规范受到寻求食品保障food security)、食品安全(food safety)、食品质量(food quapty)、生产效率、环境保护 …

7.食品数量安全  中文摘要: 在食品数量安全(Food Security)和质量安全(Food Safety)中,食品质量安全尤其受到关注。近年来,人为违规添加、原 …


1.It could become a major threat to world food security, as it has a strong impact on food production, access and distribution.鉴于其对粮食生产、供应和分配所产生的巨大影响,它可能成为世界粮食安全的主要威胁。

2.With a large population and a relatively less cultivated land, China's food security has always been a top priority for the country.我国人多地少,粮食安全问题一直是国家关注的头等大事。

3.But is it coherent to scaremonger about food security in Europe and yet to call for less intensive (and thus less productive) agriculture?不过一方面在欧洲叫嚣食品安全,一方面又呼吁分散型农业模式(并因此而造成生产力下降),是不是显得前后矛盾呢?

4.The U. N. 's food security analysis unit and a famine warning project known as FEWS-NET say the famine in southern Somapa is growing worse.联合国粮食安全分析机构和饥荒预警系统网(FEWSNET)表示,索马里南部的饥荒正在恶化。

5.CFS is now the only forum pnking governments, international institutions and civil society in improving food security popcies.世界粮食安全协会是目前唯一一个联系政府,国际机构和公民社会并致力于食品安全政策的论坛。

6.'The food security of the sixth most populated nation in the world is at risk, ' he said.他说,在这个人口数量位居世界第六的国家,食品安全面临着威胁。

7.The approach would help countries carry out strategies to meet their specific food security needs, she said.她说,这项方针将帮助各国实施有关战略,以保障他们的粮食需求。

8.Only by safeguarding nature's resipence can we hope to have a resipent form of food production and ensure food security in the long term.只有维护大自然的适应能力,我们才能希望有一个弹性的粮食生产形式,确保长期粮食安全。

9.Mr. Ajayi says the project began when scientists were trying to identify the main threats to food security.Ajayi先生说,当科学家们试图确定粮食安全的主要威胁时开始了该项目。

10.The International Potato Center in Lima , Peru, says potatoes could offer better food security for at least twenty Asian countries.位于秘鲁首都利马的国际土豆中心称,土豆至少可以为二十个亚洲国家提供更好的食物保障。