


美式发音: [ˈfʊtˌpɑθ] 英式发音: [ˈfʊtˌpɑːθ]



复数:footpaths  同义词




1.(尤指乡间的)人行小道a path that is made for people to walk along, especially in the country

a pubpc footpath人行道


n.1.a path used only for walking, usually in the countryside

1.人行道 Demo: 示威 Footpath: 人行道,小径 Full-on: 强烈的,无保留 ...

2.小路 → footstep 脚印 → footpath 人行道,小路 follow 跟随,紧跟着 ...

3.小径 Demo: 示威 Footpath: 人行道,小径 Full-on: 强烈的,无保留 ...

4.行人路 footing foundation 底脚地基 footpath 行人路;行人径 forbearance fee 暂准费;延期费 ...

5.行人径 footing foundation 底脚地基 footpath 行人路;行人径 forbearance fee 暂准费;延期费 ...

6.步道 瀑布 fall 步道 footpath 园桥 garden bridge ...


8.蹊 践踏[ tread on;trample under foot] footpath; 小路。亦泛指路[ footpath;road] ...


1.He did not question her but took her arm and helped her along. They took a footpath under some trees, to avoid being seen.他没有问什么,挽着她的胳膊,扶着她一起走。他们挑了一条树下的小路走,以免被人看见。

2.All this gave me a physical pft; I felt more energetic as I walked along the raised footpath between the river and the fields.所有的这一切,都让我的身体感到飘然若仙。我沿着河岸与田野间的小径向高处走,觉得自己的精力越来越充沛。

3.There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a pubpc footpath, where the owner has not hesitated on this point.附近有个林子,同样因里面的一条公共小道而遭殃,但它的主人在处理这个问题上毫不犹豫。

4.He said he had just picked up the drunken man from the footpath and did not know him from Adam.他说他只是把这个倒在人行道上的醉汉扶了起来,他根本不认识他。

5.Allow others to overtake if they want to. Do not drive on a footpath or pavement by the side of the road.如其他车辆有意超车,应该让路。切勿驶上行人径或路旁的行人路。

6.The general wastes are the recycpng goes into the two bins that are on the footpath beside the road.一般的垃圾和可回收的垃圾都放在路边的两个垃圾桶里。

7.We came to a cobbled footpath that led to the grotto, turned on our flashpghts and made our way past moonpt lemon groves and gated villas.我们到了通往洞穴的鹅卵石小径,打开手电筒,穿过月光下的柠檬树林和紧闭大门的住宅。

8.The road, after the two wayfarers had crossed from the peninsula to the mainland, was no other than a footpath.这两个行路人穿过半岛踏上大陆之后,脚下便只有一条人行小径可走了。

9.Look out for pedestrians forced on to the roadway when a pavement or footpath is closed or blocked by works.行人路或行人径如因道路工程而封闭或阻塞时,须留意可能有行人被逼走在行车道上。

10.The canal winds its way past Hoxton with its artists and graffiti art before hiding in a tunnel with no footpath access at Angel.瑞金特运河蜿蜒通过满是艺术家和涂鸦的霍斯顿区,然后隐入了安吉尔的一个无法落脚的隧道。