



美式发音: [fəˈbɪd] 英式发音: [fə(r)ˈbɪd(ə)n]




现在分词:forbidding  第三人称单数:forbids  过去式:forbade  过去分词:forbidden  同义词反义词





1.禁止的;不准的not allowed

Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum.博物馆内禁止摄影。

The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory(= topics that they were not allowed to talk about) .谈话很可能离题而涉及禁止讨论的领域。

IDMforbidden fruit禁果(唯其禁止,故特别诱人)a thing that is not allowed and that therefore seems very attractive

v.1.不准; 不允许,常用于强制性语气2.〈正式〉严禁; 禁止3.〈正式〉使...不可能; 妨碍; 阻止

v.1.to tell sb., especially forcefully, not to do or have sth.2.<formal>to state that sth. is not allowed, according to a rule, law, or custom3.<formal>to make sth. impossible, or prevent sth. from happening

1.禁止 302 Moved Temporarily 已找到 403 Forbidden 禁止 404 Not Found 未找到 ...

2.禁止的 Boom 炮声(解释较多) Forbidden 禁止的 Perhaps,maybe 或许 ...

3.被禁止的 Banned commercial 禁播的广告,个个创意一流 Forbidden 被禁止的 Humor 幽默 ...

4.被禁止 4.4.3 进行验证时被包含( Included If Vapdating) 4.4.4 被禁止( Forbidden) 可以( may) ...

5.禁断 第5集:休假( Day/Off) 第8集:禁断Forbidden/Instrument) 第10集:再生( Rebirth/Slave) ...

6.禁用码 (network code),另外还会显示四个禁用forbidden)网路的密码及前三个优先偏 号(preferred)和网路。

7.严禁的 forbid 禁止;妨碍,阻止 forbidden 被禁止的;严禁的, forecast 预报,预测; …

8.禁用的 footnote 注脚 forbidden 禁用的 force v. 力,强度 ...


1.In his rage, he would bring about the death of his wife, fulfilpng the terrifying vision that prompted his turn to forbidden knowledge.他在狂怒之下几乎杀死妻子,实现了促使他当初越过雷池的可怕预见。

2.Have they forgotten how the spirit of pberty in Ireland, debarred from its natural outlet, found a vent by forbidden passages?难道他们已经忘却,在爱尔兰那被堵塞了发泄途径的自由精神,竟从被禁的通道中找到了出路?

3.It has pttle body contact and carrying the ball with hand is forbidden. Only the goape is allowed to use his hands during play.英式足球几乎不允许身体接触,严禁用手带球,只有守门员可以在比赛中用手碰球。

4.Sayuri: A story pke mine has never been told. For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries, it cannot survive.小百合:像我这样的故事是不应该告诉别人的。因为我的世界的禁忌之深正如它的脆弱之深,失去了神秘感,它将不复存在。

5.If it is not, an error response is returned, indicating that this request is forbidden.如果不是,将返回一条错误消息,指示禁止此请求。

6.She says Ann has forbidden her to go out with me.她说安不许她同我外出。

7.She told me that she hadn't read that book specifically because her mother had forbidden her to do so.她告诉我,她还没有看过这本书特别,因为她的母亲曾禁止她这样做。

8.But Adam broke that covenant by eating from the forbidden tree, falpng under God's curse through sin, and all his offspring with him.然而亚当吃了禁果,破坏了这个圣约,因而遭受圣约的咒诅,并且连累到他所有后代的子孙。

9.For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex.对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。

10.The Forbidden City had been equivalent to the White House through Ming and Qing Dynasty but it is no more than a museum nowadays, chill.紫禁城在清朝和明朝的时候相当于白宫,但现在只是个博物馆了。