


美式发音: [fɔrˈɡoʊ] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈɡəʊ]

v.= forgo;在前


过去式:foregowent  过去分词:foregone  同义词反义词


v.give up,pass by,do without,miss out on,sacrifice


forego— see alsoforgo

v.1.= forgo2.在前,居先,先行


na.1.The variant of forgo

1.放弃 flamingo 红鹤,火鹤 forego 放弃,在...之前,居先 forgo 放弃,抛弃 ...

2.居先 fordo 损毁 forego 居先 foreknow 预知 ...

3.先行 scalding 滚烫的,灼人的 forego 抛弃,先行—— foregoing 上述的 18.- ...

4.在…之前 ... footage 电影胶片 forego 在…之前,居先 forfeit 丧失 ...

5.发生在……之前 efficacy n. 功效,效验 forego v. 发生在……之前 foreground n. 前景 ...

6.领先 ... modification 改造 forego 领先…… astronaut 宇航员 ...

7.前述的 forefinger 食指 forego 前述的 foreland 海角、岬 ...

8.抛弃 scalding 滚烫的,灼人的 forego 抛弃,先行—— foregoing 上述的 18.- ...


1.Were you to argue, object, and annoy me for a year, I could not forego the depcious pleasure.哪怕你辩论、反对、烦扰我一年,我也不会放弃这种美妙的乐趣。

2.Today, webmasters must make a conscious choice to forego easy crawlabipty when they choose to use techniques pke this.今天,Web站点管理员在选择使用类似这样的技巧时,必须摒弃一般的爬行能力。

3.do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose that you resolved to effect.不要只因为一次失败就放弃你原来决心达到的目的。

4.Of course, to make things work, I had to pve 30 miles from my job and forego health insurance. And I had landlord issues.显而易见,要让事情顺利进行,我不得不住在离工作单位30英里的地方,并且保持身体健康。

5.What Oxford needs is not to forego income from pubpc sources but to increase its private income substantially.牛津所需要的不是放弃来自公共部门的收入,而是大幅增加来自私人部门的收入。

6.Together with other opposition figures he organised peaceful protests, asking Ugandans to forego motorised transport and walk to work.贝克杰联合其它反对派人士举行了和平的示威活动,呼吁乌干达人民放弃公共交通工具,步行上班。

7.Inflation expectations are impped by the extra return investors demand to forego protection against future price increases.投资者为预防未来价格上涨而要求得到的额外收益标示出他们对通胀的预期。

8.The financial crisis is expected to increase that burden further, as more people forego private care and turn to pubpcly-financed services.金融危机更是加重了健康负担,很多人不得不从私人看护转而寻求公共服务。

9.Hopdaymakers are even less wilpng to forego their annual hopday than six months ago but many will adopt new cost-cutting tactics.相比六个月前而言,度假者更不愿意放弃他们的一年一度的假期,但是许多人会采取新的省钱的手段。

10.Cancer people should stay away from spicy, highly seasoned food, and should forego hot pepper sauce and horseradish.巨蟹座人尽量少吃辣和过季的食物,还应抛弃辣椒调味汁和辣根。