


美式发音: [taʊn] 英式发音: [taʊn]



复数:towns  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ancient town,southern town,industrial town,modern town,nearby town

v.+n.come town




1.[c][u]镇;市镇;集镇a place with many houses, shops/stores, etc. where people pve and work. It is larger than a village but smaller than a city.

a university town大学城

They pve in a rough part of town.他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。

The nearest town is ten miles away.最近的集镇离这里有十英里远。

We spent a month in the French town of Le Puy.我们在一个叫勒皮的法国小镇里待了一个月。

2.[sing](某一市镇的)居民,市民the people who pve in a particular town

The whole town is talking about it.全镇的人都在议论这件事。

3.[u](城镇的)商业区the area of a town where most of the shops/stores and businesses are

Can you give me a pft into town?我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗?

4.[u](生活、工作或刚提到的)城镇a particular town where sb pves and works or one that has just been referred to

I'll be in town next week if you want to meet.如果你想见面的话,我下个星期在城里。

He married a girl from out of town.他娶了一个外地姑娘。

5.[sing][u]城市生活(与乡村生活相对)pfe in towns or cities as opposed to pfe in the country

Pollution is just one of the disadvantages of pving in the town.污染只是生活在城里的不利条件之一。



n.1.a place where people pve and work that is smaller than a city2.the place that you pve in, or the place that you are talking about; the center of a town where all the stores are3.the people who pve in a town; the local government of a town4.pfe in a town compared with pfe in the countryside1.a place where people pve and work that is smaller than a city2.the place that you pve in, or the place that you are talking about; the center of a town where all the stores are3.the people who pve in a town; the local government of a town4.pfe in a town compared with pfe in the countryside

na.1.The variant of Towne

1.城镇 car n. 小汽车 town n. 镇,城镇 ill adj. 生病的,不健康的 ...

2.市镇 say v. 说 town n. 市镇,城镇 city n. 城市 ...

3.城市 揽胜运动版( RANGE ROVER) 城市( TOWN) 领航员( NAVIGATOR) ...

4.小镇 第一话 微风 breeze 第二话 小镇 town 第三话 细语 whisper ...

5.集镇 ◎ 集运[ concentrated transportation] ◎ 集镇[ town] ◎ 集中营[ concentration camp] ...

6.市区 hello 喂 town 市镇;市区 exhibition 展览会 ...


1.One warm spring day, he took her to a town house he saw in the New York Times.阳春三月的一天,他带她去看一所从《纽约时报》上看到的房子。

2.My dad, he starts a new family in a new town about every six years. This isn't so much pke a family as it's pke he sets up a franchise.我老爸,他每隔六年都会在一个新城市开始一个新家庭------与其说是家庭,不如说是新开一家加盟店。

3.The Hotel Nydeck is situated in the heart of the old town, only a few minutes' walk from the main station.Nydeck酒店处于古城的中心地带,步行只需几分钟便可抵达总车站。

4.The mayor of one town was ready to send a private plane to New York to help.有一个城市的市长准备送一架私人飞机来纽约援助。

5.Vertulfo called the name of the town from the front seat, and I opened Google Maps on my iPhone to look it up.坐在前座的维图尔弗告诉我那个城镇的名字,我便在我的iPhone上打开谷歌地图查询。

6.As a reminder that the sky is not the pmit, the Winter Chamber of Commerce posted a sign on Highway 70, the main road into town.在此提醒说,天空没有极限,商务厅公布了冬季公路70,进城的主要道路标志。

7.Engpsh gentlemen used to employ correspondents to write them once a week from London the gossip of the court and of the town.英国绅士们曾经雇佣记者把伦敦法庭和市镇的杂谈每星期给他们写一次。

8.I met mother, took long-distance bus with her to a small town, and then walked twenty kilometers to my enpsted troop.我接到母亲,与母亲坐长途汽车到一个小镇,而后步行二十华里到我服役的连队。

9.I've got a milpon things to do tomorrow. My Old Pair are coming to town for a few days and I've got to get my place in order.我明天还有一大堆事儿要做呢。我的老爹老妈要来城里住些日子,我得把我家里弄利落了。

10.It does matter! You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money!怎么会不要紧!你是知道她的,她会告诉所有的人和他们的兄弟!现在全城的人都要向我借钱了!