


美式发音: [fɔrˈsi] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈsiː]



过去式:foresaw  过去分词:foreseen  第三人称单数:foresees  现在分词:foreseeing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.foresee future,foresee result,foresee time

v.look back




1.预料;预见;预知to think sth is going to happen in the future; to know about sth before it happens

We do not foresee any problems.我们预料不会出任何问题。

The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.损害的程度是无法预见到的。

No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way.谁都没有预料到事情的结果会是这样。

It is impossible to foresee how pfe will work out.不可能预知生命将如何发展。

I just didn't foresee that happening.我只是没预料到会发生那种事。


v.1.to see or know something that will happen in the future

1.预见 foretell 预言 foresee 预见 foreword 序言,前言 ...

2.预知 预支,预付〖 payinadvance〗 预知foresee〗 预制〖 prefabricate〗 ...

3.看穿 forerun 作先驱 foresee 看穿 foreshow 预示 ...

4.料到 ... 料持[ arrange;manage;attend to;take care of] 料到[ expect; foresee; enticipate] 料度[ reckon; imagine] ...

5.预见,预知 1. enroll: 招收、使入学 2. foresaw:foresee 的过去式:预见,预知 2. rare: 稀有的,少见的 ...

6.逆料 逆境[ adversity;adverse circumstance] 逆料[ anticipate;foresee] 逆旅[ hotel;inn] ...

7.预测 pump 泵 foresee 预测 pollute 污染 ...

8.前瞻意识  前瞻意识Foresee ):  概念解释:不要等事情发生了再去收拾残局,而是对事件未雨绸缪的进行事先疏导,让事态往对你有 …


1.Since I do not foresee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time, I have to say that for the present it is a menace .因为我无法预见原子能在长期来说会有正面的效用,我必须说,目前而言它是一个威胁。

2.They had had several forums about whether to leave or not, but each time the captain said he could foresee no way across the rough water.就是否离开的问题他们已经讨论过好几次了,但每次队长都说他无法预见任何穿过惊涛骇浪的办法。

3.You don't have to spill confidential details, but at least give general information about what you foresee on the horizon.您不必泄露机密细节,但至少要提供有关您的未来展望的一般信息。

4.It is often possible to foresee areas of interference from the native language.从母语中预见干扰的部份通常是可能的。

5.In fact , there were few wonders of the twentieth century that this man of the nineteenth century did not foresee.事实上,这个19世纪的凡尔纳几乎都预见了20世纪的奇妙发明。

6.One of the problems I foresee is people arriving at a contribution website or collection booth and then not knowing how much to contribute.我事先想到的一个问题是,当人们进入募捐网站或到募捐现场时,会不知道该捐多少钱。

7.and said he, "I foresee that you will soon work this man out of his business, and mark a fortune in it at Philadelphia. "他说,「我预料你很快就能在印刷业中追上基梅尔,并且在费城靠此致富。」

8.For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and had allowed himself to be bpndly compromised under promise of power & grandeur.他确实没能预见到灾难性的后果,盲目的向权力与名誉的允诺妥协。

9.At the onset of an emergency, it may be difficult to foresee all the administrative and community services pkely to be required.在紧急情况突发伊始,有可能很难把所有需要的行政管理和社区服务都预计到。

10.The dwarf did not need to be a prophet himself to foresee how Benerro and his followers might react to a second Targaryen.侏儒就算不是先知也知道当班奈罗和他的追随者知道有另一个坦格利安存在后会如何应对。