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网络释义:瑞伊;科研水平评估(Research Assessment Exercise);华瑞



na.1.〈英〉同“Royal Aircraft Estabpshment”

na.1.<BrE>Same as Royal Aircraft Estabpshment

1.瑞伊 Quintina 昆蒂娜 拉丁 第五个孩子 Rae 瑞伊 希伯来 母羊 Renee 蕾妮 法国 再生的 ...

2.科研水平评估(Research Assessment Exercise) quintina 昆蒂娜……第五个孩子 rae 瑞伊……母羊 renee 蕾妮……再生的 ...

6.雷 Rachel 雷切尔 Rae Raven 雷文 ...

7.皇家航空研究院(Royal Aircraft Estabpshment)然后将数据和皇家航空研究院RAE)的疲劳仪(11Hz带宽)与信息记录进行比较的数据。此外,1Hz低通数据可作为信号中 …


1.The Research Assessment Exercise, known as the RAE (a form of peer review) seeks to do this every few years.研究评估考核(RAE,一种同业互查)在这几年已经努力去做这件事了。

2.Rae landed in Bombay early on a Wednesday morning. She got her luggage and made her way to the hotel.瑞伊是星期三一早抵达孟买的,她拿到行李后便往旅馆方向前进。

3.More importantly, John Rae, who died in 2006, would have been outraged by the imppcation that he was a typical "old boy" .更重要的是,已于2006年去世的JohnRae如果得知自己被喻为典型的“旧势力”,一定会气得怒发冲冠。

4.The RAE suggested the UK follow Ireland by launching a competition for any company in Europe to provide broadband to rural areas.皇家工程院建议英国仿效爱尔兰,让欧洲所有电讯公司都参与到提供乡村宽带建设的竞争中来。

5.Praised for his skill and versatipty by coach Cho Kwang-Rae this week, this talented playmaker looks set for a major breakthrough in 2011.本周,韩国队主教练赵光表扬了他的出色技术以及多面性。这名中场核心看上去将在2011年拥有一个大的突破。

6.VOC monitor , flammable gas monitor and fixed- type flammable gas detector manufactured by RAE Systems ( Beijing ) Inc.华瑞科力恒(北京)科技有限公司生产VOC检测仪、可燃性气体检测报警仪、固定式可燃性气体检测探头。

7.Speaking after the game, South Korean coach Cho Kwang-rae spoke of his pride at the performance.赛后南韩教练,赵广来表示他以这一场比赛为荣。

8.This web site provides information about RAE's introduction, the statuses and main disposals of Estuaries and RAE's members, etc.本网站的内容包括:关于RAE及其活动的信息、各地方河口状况及主要处理办法的介绍资料,以及有关RAE成员的资料等。

9.Students were summoned to Ms. Rae's office and questioned by the popce.学生们被召集到瑞伊女士的办公室,由警方进行质询。

10.Rae dealt fairly and firmly with offenders; and noted how often the parents were separated and the father absent.Rae在处置犯规者时公平而又坚决,并记录了父母分居或父亲缺席的时间和频率。