


美式发音: [ˈfɔrtiəθ] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)tiəθ]







n.1.in the place or position counted as number 402.one of 40 equal parts of something

1.第四十 thirtieth 第三十 fortieth 第四十 fiftieth 第五十 ...

2.四十分之一 thirtieth 第三十,三十分之一 fortieth 第四十;四十分之一 fiftieth 第五十;五十分之一 ...

3.第四十的 forswear v. 誓绝,放弃 fortieth a. 第四十的,第四十个的,四十分之一的 foundry n. 铸造,铸造场,铸造类 ...

4.四十分之一的 forswear v. 誓绝,放弃 fortieth a. 第四十的,第四十个的,四十分之一的 foundry n. 铸造,铸造场,铸造类 ...

5.第四十个 ... 第四十 fortieth 第四十个 fortieth 第四(卷,章,叶等)破坏 four ...

6.第四十个的 forswear v. 誓绝,放弃 fortieth a. 第四十的,第四十个的,四十分之一的 foundry n. 铸造,铸造场,铸造类 ...


1.When they reached the fortieth floor he put his hand in his pocket for the key to the door of his apartment . lt wasn't there.但是当他们最终来到公寓门的时候,他正准备拿钥匙开门,却发现钥匙没有在口袋里。

2.On the occasion of my fortieth birthday, my husband surprised me with two tickets for a five day Caribbean cruise.在我四十岁生日那天,我丈夫给了我一个惊喜——两张加勒比五日游的票。

3.The model represents his love for his wife, Pope explains, and he hopes to give it to her as a fortieth anniversary present in two months.Pope向他说明,这模型代表了狱长对他妻子的爱,他希望能在两个月后,将它作为他们结婚四十周年的礼物送给她。

4.It was a man who had scarcely reached his fortieth year, of tall stature, and of a thin but nervous and sinewy frame.这个人刚刚四十岁,身材很高,体格瘦削但强壮有力。

5.tried to jump out of the fortieth-floor window in a moment of utter lunacy .在突发的精神失常中试图从四楼的窗户跳出去。

6.The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.设在位于纽约市中心一座摩天大楼第四十层楼里的那间办公室,就是他工作的小天地。

7.She dozed in the armchair that Joe had bought for her on their fortieth anniversary .她在乔已经在他们的第四十的周年为她买的扶手椅子中打瞌睡。

8.Cousins even to the fortieth remove would Flock thither to hear the will read.稍有一点沾亲的老表们也都来听宣读遗嘱。

9.Article fortieth injured workers have one of the following cases, stop the enjoyment of injury insurance benefits.第四十条工伤职工有下列情形之一的,停止享受工伤保险待遇。

10.Oh, a couple of girls over here in Fortieth Street. We could have a dandy time. I was just looking for you.哦,这边四十街上的两个姑娘。我们可以好好乐一下。我正在找你呢。