




1.这久长 ... The age-old contradiction 这长久以来的矛盾 The old age 这久长 G-L-O-R-I-A 荣~~耀~~ ...

2.长久以来 ... The age-old contradiction 这常久以来的矛盾 The old age 长久以来 I'm not *****ing around 我不是游手好闲 ...

3.旧世代 demoption,self-destruction 摧灭,自毁 the old age 老掉牙的自相矛盾 ...


1.And many are wondering, how much will go into the old-age pension system.很多人想知道投入到老年人养老体系的资金将有多少。

2.Young often have the traditional manner, but the old age, it's easy to forget the youth and become square.年轻时常会有不合传统的举止,但年老时,很容易忘记年轻时的莽撞而成为古板的人。

3.Most scholars studied the old age both in rural areas and cities, but they did not put emphasis on the old age in rural areas.但是,一方面,这些研究往往是针对一般的老年人,而没有对农村老年人这个特殊群体给予特殊的研究与描述。

4.This is an adventure theme of comedy, consists of two people, one of the old age and a boundless energy.这是一部探险题材的喜剧,主角由两个人组成,一个上了年纪的老头子和一个精力无穷的小孩。

5.The old lady walks up to the old man at the old age home and she says, If you drop your pants I'll bet I can tell your age.老太太走到住在老房子里的老头身边说,“如果你脱下裤子,我敢打赌我能知道你多大岁数了。”

6.In a report entitled "Averting the Old Age Crisis" , it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable.在一篇题为“防止人口老龄化危机”的报道中,该机构认为大多数国家的退休金安排方式不可持续。

7.If prices were uncontrolled , it would be the old- age pensioners who would suffer .如果物价的上涨控制不住,倒霉的将是年老人。

8.It requires us to make a systematic study of the current situations and the problems of the old-age security system.这就要求我们对我国养老保障制度现状、及存在问题做出系统性研究。

9."Wherever there are people, there is Jianghu. " That is the unchanged teaching since the old age of a thousand years ago.毕竟「有人的地方就有江湖」,这是千古不变的道理。

10.We will work out a plan for reforming the old-age insurance system in government bodies and institutions.研究制定机关事业单位养老保险制度改革方案。