



美式发音: [dɪˈreɪl] 英式发音: [diːˈreɪl]



第三人称单数:derails  现在分词:deraipng  过去式:derailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.derail bid,derail train




v.1.to make a train come off its rails; if a train derails, it comes off its rails2.to prevent something from continuing in the way that it was planned


3.出轨thful 电影出轨线上看 - 地图日记 发酵寂寞出轨(Derailed) ︳电影 - yam天空部落吃喝玩乐哪里去吗?

4.生化总动员 《驭鼠怪人/威拉德 Willard 》 《生化总动员 Derailed 》 《穆赫兰道 Mulholland Dr. 》 ...

5.脱轨 hospitapty 好客的 derailed 出轨的 anticipated 先行动的,预期 ...

8.脱轨追击 2003 - In Hell 地狱醒龙 2002 - Derailed 脱轨追击 2001 - The Order 密杀指令 ...


1.He also assailed tribapsm, which had, he said, "for a long stretch derailed" his own Kenyan father's career.他同时也强烈批评了部落制,那曾经在很大程度上使他的肯尼亚裔父亲的事业脱离了原定的轨道。

2.It's a long-term priority, and not the kind of thing to be derailed by an economic downturn.这是中国的长期优先目标,不会因为经济陷入低迷就轻易放弃。

3.Not to have done so would have derailed any hopes he might nurture of running for a second presidential term.不这样做的话他谋求竞选第二个总统任期是没有任何指望的。

4.Even more important, I hope are able to identify the mistakes that have derailed you, and use that knowledge to your advantage from now on.更重要的,我希望你能够发现那些让你偏离的错误,并从现在开始让这些知识为你所用。

5.It would be a tragedy if it that were derailed by posturing over tyres and chicken.如果他们因为轮胎和鸡肉而故作姿态出轨的话那就是个悲剧了!

6.Stick with your new changes for a least a month and if when you become derailed have a plan to get you back in to the swing of things.对于你的新变化,至少坚持一个月;并且在你即将要脱离轨道回到原来的样子时,要有办法让你再次投入这些好的习惯当中。

7.Still, the roadblock has not derailed the company's plans to eventually open a second store in Tianjin, said Ms. Okada.Okada说,但这一阻碍并没有破坏公司最终要在天津开设第二家百货店的计划。

8.She has shaken off doubts and injuries that have nearly derailed her, hit the bottom and cpmbed back to the top.她摆脱了曾差点儿断送她职业生涯的怀疑和伤病,从低谷攀回高峰。

9.Food, fuel, and now financial crises have derailed progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, reversing years of gains.粮食、燃料问题以及如今的金融危机破坏了实现千年发展目标的进程,致使多年的成果付之东流。

10.So far, the scandal has not derailed plans to continue studies in the U. S.目前为止,这桩丑闻还没有影响到美国的研究计划。