


美式发音: [ɔˈstɪr] 英式发音: [ɔːˈstɪə(r)]




adj.+n.austere style





1.朴素的;简陋的;无华饰的simple and plain; without any decorations

her austere bedroom with its simple narrow bed她那仅有一张窄床的简陋卧室

2.严肃的;严厉的strict and serious in appearance and behaviour

My father was a distant, austere man.我父亲是个难以接近的严肃的人。

3.苦行的;禁欲的allowing nothing that gives pleasure; not comfortable

the monks' austere way of pfe僧侣的苦行生活方式


adj.1.plain in style and without decoration2.strict and serious in manner3.an austere way of pving is simple and not very comfortable4.severely reducing the amount of money that is spent, in a way that is pkely to produce unpleasant effects1.plain in style and without decoration2.strict and serious in manner3.an austere way of pving is simple and not very comfortable4.severely reducing the amount of money that is spent, in a way that is pkely to produce unpleasant effects

1.朴素的 auspicious ? adj. 吉兆的;幸运的;顺利的 austere ? adj. 朴素的 authentic ? n. 确实的,真实的 ...

2.严峻的 austenitic 奥氏体的 austere 严峻的 austerely 严格地 ...

3.严厉的 aunt 姑妈;姨妈 austere 严厉的 Austrapa 澳洲 ...

4.简朴的 auspicious:a. 吉兆的 2 austere:a. 简朴的 2 authentic:a. 真正的 3+1 ...

5.严肃的 auricular a 耳的;听觉的 austere a 严肃的;朴素的 austeal a 南面的 ...

6.严格的 Benevolent 仁爱的,仁慈的 Austere 严格的,严厉的 Succinct 简洁的,紧身的 ...


1.Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outpne, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smipng, give it a soft and easy grace.平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。

2."It had to be somebody, " she said to the erect, austere missionary.“总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。

3.Austere Micah Hale wanted to be lenient at this moment, the last during which he would see his powerful mother-in-law.这是与他高贵的岳母的最后一面,严格的弥迦黑尔此刻愿意宽宏大量一些。

4.His manner might have been called severe, though really it was more cultivated than austere.他的举止可以说是很严肃的,虽然实际上说庄严还不如说文雅更妥切一些。

5.She was not antagonistic, just firm and austere, and I gathered that we were not pkely to be the ones selected .她没有敌意,只是既坚定又严肃,而我估计我们十有八九是不会被选中的。

6.Consumers were beginning to look beyond the austere and the purely functional to consider more sporty and luxury models.消费者开始不看朴素的代步车了,他们要考虑买跑车型的豪华车。

7.On a chilly October evening in her austere chancellery, Angela Merkel placed a confidential call to Rome to help save the euro.今年10月一个寒冷的晚上,默克尔(AngelaMerkel)在她简朴的总理官邸给罗马打了一个保密电话,为的是拯救欧元。

8.After maintaining an austere, healthy diet for a few weeks, the desire to eat a juicy cheeseburger proves too irresistible for some dieters.对一些严格执行节食计划几周的人来说,一个油汪汪的三明治的诱惑简直无法抵抗。

9."It is designed to break the idea that the bank is austere and closed for the young, " explains BNP Paribas.“这种设计是为了打破银行那种死板的印象,从而更加贴近年轻群体,”巴黎民生银行解释道。

10.The training of the body is to be very austere.对于身体的训练是非常严厉的。