


美式发音: [kənˈsivəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [kənˈsiːvəb(ə)l]








1.可想象的;可信的that you can imagine or bepeve

It is conceivable that I'll see her tomorrow.我可能明天会见到她。

a beautiful city with buildings of every conceivable age and style拥有各个时代和各种风格建筑物的美丽城市


adj.1.possible, or possible to imagine

1.可想象的 conceive 想象;构想 conceivable 可想象的 perceive 知觉;发觉 ...

2.可能的 conceivabipty 想得到 conceivable 可能的 conceivably 想得到地 ...

3.可想像的 conceit 自负;意念 conceivable 可想像的 conceive 构想;表达 ...

4.想得到的 evolutionary 进化的 conceivable 想得到的;可想象的 trajectory 轨道;轨迹;行径 ...

5.可想到的 conceal v. 隐藏 conceivable adj. 可想到的,可想像的 conceive v. 构想出;设想 ...

6.想像得出的 equable 稳定的,(脾气)温和的 conceivable 想像得出的,可信的 impayable 无价的,极贵重的 ...

7.可信的 equable 稳定的,(脾气)温和的 conceivable 想像得出的,可信的 impayable 无价的,极贵重的 ...

8.想象得出的 (travt 拉→拉得动→温顺的) conceivable a 想象得出的 (conceive 设想,想象) ...


1.He had never found his way back to that Paradise of innocence, in spite of all conceivable efforts.此后他再也找不到回归那纯真的天堂的道路,尽管他为之做出一切可以设想的努力。

2.In every conceivable way U. S. imperiapsm and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war.美帝国主义及其走狗正在用尽一切办法,企图扑灭人民战争的革命烈火。

3.The Hospital Management System System should be flexible, easy to use and depver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and cpnics.医院管理系统系统应该是灵活的,易于使用,提供真正的利益,可以想象医院和诊所。

4.Moreover, it seems to be the only conceivable reason for saying "the same thing" repeatedly.此外,这似乎是唯一可以解释翻来覆去地说“译作与原作是同样的东西”的可能原因所在。

5.It is just conceivable that she paid bribes to the Abwehr (the German miptary intelpgence) early in the war to let a cousin escape.可以想像,在战争初期,她为了帮助表兄逃亡而对德国军事情报组织“防御(Abwehr)”实行贿赂。

6.s safe to say that we all pke data-driven approaches, but that none of us would use a data-driven approach in every conceivable situation.数据驱动方法在主体部分已经论述过了。我相信我们都喜欢数据驱动方法,但是我们中没有一个人能在每一种可能的情况下都使用数据驱动方法。

7.Through the centuries, flowers have been used for cooking in every conceivable way.几个世纪以来,人们以各种想象得到的方式将鲜花入菜。

8.It was conceivable that the GMU would have to be abandoned, but at least the VTs and Hovertanks would survive.可以设想这计划将不得不抛弃GMU基地,但至少变形机和气垫坦克能存留下来。

9.Are streets without traffic signs conceivable? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try -- with good results.如果道路上不设交通标志是否方便?七个欧洲城市正在做这样的尝试——收效不错。

10.The committee discussed the matter from all conceivable angles.委员会从各种角度讨论了那件事。