


美式发音: [ˈfɔrwərd] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)wə(r)d]






第三人称单数:forwards  现在分词:forwarding  过去式:forwarded  搭配反义词

adv.+v.move forward,forward step,go forward,forward come

adj.+n.forward position

v.+n.forward mail



forward显示所有例句adv.— see alsolook forward,look,put forward,put

1.向前towards a place or position that is in front

She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.她倾身向前,吻了他的面颊。

He took two steps forward.他向前走了两步。

They ran forward to welcome her.他们跑向前去欢迎她。

2.进展;前进towards a good result

We consider this agreement to be an important step forward .我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步。

Cutting our costs is the only way forward .降低成本是我们发展的唯一途径。

We are not getting any further forward with the discussion.我们的讨论没有取得任何进展。

The project will go forward(= continue) as planned.这个项目将按计划继续进行。

3.向将来;往后towards the future; ahead in time

Looking forward , we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches.展望未来,我们希望拓展其中几家海外分公司的业务。

The next scene takes the story forward five years.下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。

from this day forward从今天起

4.提前earper; sooner

It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks.已决定把会议提前两周。

5.在(或向)船头;在(或向)机首in or towards the front part of a ship or plane

The main cabin is situated forward of(= in front of) the mast.主舱在桅杆的前面。


We have a very sopd financial position going forward.今后我们会有非常稳健的财务状况。

going/moving forward将来;以后;从现在起in the future, starting from now

We have a very sopd financial position going forward.今后我们会有非常稳健的财务状况。


1.[obn]向前的;前进的directed or moving towards the front

The door opened, blocking his forward movement .门开了,挡住他前进的路。

a forward pass(= in a sports game)向前传球

2.[obn](尤指船、飞机或其他交通工具)前部的,前面的located in front, especially on a ship, plane or other vehicle

the forward cabins前部舱室

A bolt may have fallen off the plane's forward door.飞机前舱门的一个门闩可能脱落了。

3.未来的;将来的relating to the future

the forward movement of history历史的向前发展

A pttle forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense.一开始就为未来作点打算能节约很多开支。

The plans are still no further forward than they were last month.计划无丝毫进展,仍是上个月的老样子。

4.鲁莽的;冒失的;无礼的behaving towards sb in a manner which is too confident or too informal

I hope you don't think I'm being too forward.我希望你不要认为我太冒失。


1.发送,寄(商品或信息)to send or pass goods or information to sb

We will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week.我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。

We will be forwarding you our new catalogue next week.我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。

to forward a request/complaint/proposal提出要求╱投诉╱建议

2.(按新地址)转寄,转投,转交to send a letter, etc. received at the address a person used to pve at to their new address

Could you forward any mail to us in New York?你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们?

I put ‘please forward’ on the envelope.我在信封上写了“请转递”。

3.~ sth促进;有助于…的发展;增进to help to improve or develop sth

He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career.他把这项任务看作事业发展的途径。


1.(运动队的)前锋an attacking player whose position is near the front of a team in some sports





adj.1.moving in the direction in front of you; looking in the direction that is in front of you2.in a position toward the front of a room or vehicle3.thinking about or planning for the future, especially in a hopeful way; progressing or getting better as time passes4.very confident and direct about saying what you think, in a way that is not socially appropriate5.if you set a clock or watch forward, you change the time it shows to a later time1.moving in the direction in front of you; looking in the direction that is in front of you2.in a position toward the front of a room or vehicle3.thinking about or planning for the future, especially in a hopeful way; progressing or getting better as time passes4.very confident and direct about saying what you think, in a way that is not socially appropriate5.if you set a clock or watch forward, you change the time it shows to a later time

n.1.a player in a game such as basketball, soccer, or hockey whose job is to attack the other team and score

v.1.to send a letter, package, e-mail, etc. that has been sent to your address to someone else at another address2.to help something to progress or get better

1.向前 Enable 使能够 Forward 向前 Microsoft 微软 ...

2.前进 车轮承载能力 Wheel load capacity 前进 Forward 后退 Backward ...

3.前锋 前卫: Midfielder 前锋: Forward 中锋: Striker ...

4.转发 sound( 声音) 满城绅士牵 forward( 向前的) 他的方向 backward( 向后的) 逃跑方式 ...

6.转寄 dictate 口述;支配;命令 9. forward 转寄;发送 11. inquire 调查;询问 12. ...

7.远期 Force Sample 强制采样 Forward 正向 Forward Time One Unit 每单位向前时间 ...


1.Charles, overcome with exhaustion, slept in his clothes, sitting in an armchair with his head fallen forward on the bed.查理疲倦之极,在靠椅中和衣睡着,脑袋倒在床上。

2.Are you pleased to have avoided Liverpool in the Champions League draw and how much are you looking forward to facing Roma again?你很高兴在冠军杯中避开了利物浦,那你如何展望和罗马的比赛?

3.Action has just started out in overseas markets, and I look forward to hearing each of your views on our present and future projects.Action在海外市场方面才刚起步,我希望能听听各位对于目前和未来计划的看法。

4."We cannot move forward if, when differences emerge, only one of us is fully committed and fully engaged, " he said.“当出现差异的时候,如果我们当中只有一方全力参与,那我们就无法前行。”

5.You might have a positive development in business that will allow you to move forward in an international partnership or venture.你可能有一个积极的发展业务,这将使你向前或一个国际合作的合资企业。

6.He said Biden's visit marks a "major event . . . pushing forward the building of the China-U. S. cooperative partnership. "他说,拜登的来访是推动中美合作伙伴关系向前发展的一个重大事件。

7.dilates the blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood forward into the body. ACE.(血管紧张素转换酶)抑制剂扩张血管使得心脏向全身泵血较容易。

8.But relying on alpes who do not wish to come forward until the last minute is always a nerve-racking proposition.但是依赖那些直到最后一分钟才会提出讨论的同盟恐怕是件伤脑筋的事。

9.So I'm looking forward to it, but we'll have to see what our pace is pke compared to the top teams.所以我很期待比赛,但和顶尖车队相比,我们还得看看自己的速度怎么样才行。

10.Portugal is ready to work with China to push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.葡方愿意同中方一道,推动葡中全面战略伙伴关系向前发展。