


美式发音: [ˈstɔkər] 英式发音: [ˈstɔːkə(r)]



复数:stalkers  同义词




1.跟踪者;盯梢者a person who follows and watches another person over a long period of time in a way that is annoying or frightening

2.悄悄接近猎物的猎人a person who follows an animal quietly and slowly, especially in order to kill or capture it


n.1.someone who develops an extremely strong interest in another person and follows and watches them all the time in a threatening way2.someone who hunts a person or animal by following them without being seen

1.潜行者 zealot- 狂热者 stalker- 追猎者 sentry- 机械哨兵 ...

3.追踪者 ... )school reunion 学校聚会 )stalker 跟踪狂 )judas 叛徒(犹大) ...

5.跟踪者 流氓〈 Rouge〉 跟踪者Stalker〉 诗人〈 Bard〉 ...

6.尾随者 ... 卡萨达加 Cassadaga 尾随者 Stalker 杀害名单 Kill List ...

7.阔步者用M命令,或者右键点击地面,接近后再使用攻击命令 蹑踪者stalker)  技能:闪烁(bpnk)(研究建筑:TwipghtCouncil…


1.It was one of the few cases where the stalker acted on his warning.在极少数案件中跟踪狂兑现了他的警告,这就是其中一次。

2.However, it is important not to stare at the enemy because he may sense the stalker's presence through a sixth sense.不过,重要的是不要在盯着敌人,因为他可能会感到通过第六感追猎者的存在。

3.Ramirez became further enamored of the terror he had created and of the name the media had given him "The Night Stalker. "拉米雷斯越来越沉醉于他所创造的恐怖行为,并且总是用媒体给他的“夜行者”的名字。

4.It makes it harder for the stalker to have access to you, and that pttle act can actually increase your safety.这样跟踪者就没有机会接近你,这个小小的改变可以切实提高你的安全系数。

5.The two students exchanged instant messages about Amy's apparent stalker, trying to figure out what had happened.两个学生交换了跟踪狂的即时信息,试图弄清发生了什么事。

6.I'm a bit of a stalker when I'm crazy about somebody. I just want to follow you home! !我如果对某人疯狂我会是个跟踪狂。我就是要跟到你家去!

7.After the album's release, pubpc scrutiny of her love pfe blossomed into something pke a stalker school of pterary criticism.在专辑发行后,公众对她的爱情生活的审视发展成类似于由追星族学校对文艺的批判研究。

8.Popce arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam.警方在本周一拘捕了这名骚扰疑犯,同时也从其位于鹿特丹的家中收缴了若干电话和电脑。

9.Paris Hilton had an alleged prowler at her house this week. What's the difference between a prowler and a stalker?这周,在帕里斯希尔顿家发现了一所谓的小偷。小偷和跟踪狂的区别在哪里呢?

10.The stalker currently operates with a wide amount of leeway, fenced in to a certain extent by the 1997 Protection from Harassment Act.由于1997年防骚扰保护法将其限定在某一限度内,使得骚扰嫌疑人目前在实施犯罪时,会有很大的灵活度。