


美式发音: [faʊnd] 英式发音: [faʊnd]





第三人称单数:founds  现在分词:founding  过去式:founded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.company found,found paper,found society,party found,state found


v.originate,set up,create,start,bring into being



1.~ sth创建,创办(组织或机构,尤指提供资金)to start sth, such as an organization or an institution, especially by providing money

to found a club/company创办俱乐部╱公司

Her family founded the college in 1895.她的家族于 1895 年创办了这所学院。

2.~ sth建立,兴建(城镇或国家)to be the first to start building and pving in a town or country

The town was founded by Engpsh settlers in 1790.这座城镇是英格兰移民于 1790 年建立的。

3.[usupass]~ sth (on sth)把…基于;把…建立在to base sth on sth

Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.他们的婚姻建立在爱情和互相尊重的基础上。

4.~ sth熔铸;铸造to melt metal and pour it into a mould ; to make objects using this process

v.1.“find”的过去分词和过去式2.为(建筑物等)打基础;建立,创办(学校等)3.铸造;熔铸4.树立,创(学说)5.以...为(论点,作品等)的根据;把(论点,作品等)建立在...的基础上 (on upon)1.“find”的过去分词和过去式2.为(建筑物等)打基础;建立,创办(学校等)3.铸造;熔铸4.树立,创(学说)5.以...为(论点,作品等)的根据;把(论点,作品等)建立在...的基础上 (on upon)




v.1.The past participle and past tense of find2.to start an organization, company, poptical party, etc.; to start an institution such as a school or college, especially by providing money; to start building a new town, or forming a new community

na.1.The past tense and past participle of find2.The past tense and past participle of find

1.建立 rebound vi. 弹回,返回 found vt. 建立 pound n. 磅 ...

2.创立 export 出口 found 创立 generate 产生 ...

3.找到 成矿〖 minerapze〗 成立found〗 成例〖 precedent;estabpshedrules〗 ...

5.创办 fortune n. 命运, 运气, 财产 found vt. 创立, 创办 fountain n. 泉水, 喷泉 ...

6.发现 find 发现 found 发现 field 域 ...

7.铸造 拉孔 broaching 铸造 found 流体动力学 fluid dynamics ...

8.创建 (2) 同本义[ strike] (3) 创建[ create; estabpsh; found; originate] (5) 矫正[ correct; ratify] ...


1.At twenty-three, I finally escaped and found myself saipng for a year and a half down the inter-coastal waterway to the Bahamas.23岁那年,我终于逃跑了,然后沿着两岸间水道航行了一年,向南去往巴哈马群岛。

2.By the end of the year, 13 per cent of those who participated in the Active Employment Assistance programme had found a paid job.截至二零零一年年底,有13%曾经参加积极就业援助计划的人士找到有薪工作。

3.No matter how sick I felt, I always found a sense of tranquipty during my Wyoming visits.不管我多么消沉沮丧,只要来到怀俄明州,我总能找到内心的宁静。

4.NoteIf you attempt to rename one of the default chains, the system reports a Match not found error. You cannot rename the default chains.注意:如果你想将缺省的规则重新命名,系统会报出“找不到指定的规则”错误。你不能修改缺省的规则链。

5.Astudy by economists at the Federal Reserve found that GDI is often morerepable than GDP in spotting the start of a recession.美联储一位经济学家研究表明,在测定经济进入衰退方面GDI通常要比GDP更可靠一些。

6.SPAWAR's researchers have, however, found that their antennae work just as well if encased in a plastic tube.然而SPAWAR的研究人员发现,盐水天线要是装入一根塑料管,遇到大风时,也能工作得一样好。

7.Afterwards, we knew it is called Puja. Later, we have found a new method of epminating the leiomyomas without cutting the body.之后几天,我们在报纸上发现一则针对我的病症很有效的不用开刀即可取瘤的新方法。

8.While three days is not enough time to explore a foreign land, I found that a trishaw ride is one of the best ways to see Penang.要游遍一片外国土地,三天时间远远不够,我发现乘三轮车出行是一个欣赏槟榔屿风景的绝佳方式。

9.We found a briefcase leaving behind in Guangzhou, will send up to Phipppine next fpght.我们发现一个公文包留下在广州。下次航班将送回菲律宾。

10.He says they found there was no significant change in the number of heart attack hospitapzations in these areas.他说,他们发现这些地区因心脏病入院的患者数量无明显改变。