


美式发音: 英式发音: [fræn]





1.弗兰 ... 4. Fran:I'm with you. 法兰: 我也是。 6. I want you to shut up,Mr. 我要你闭嘴,法兰先生 ...

3.弗朗 Freddie 译名弗雷迪。 Fran 译名弗兰; 弗朗。 Ford 译名福特。 ...

4.法国 美国( U.S. 法国( Fran 迪拜( Duba ...

5.法蓝是法蓝(Fran)的歌我不等作词/作曲:Fran(法蓝) 演唱:Fran相关词: 发问者评价 看另一则问题 更多 其他回答 (0) 意见 (0) 相关 …

6.密特朗依靠法国总统弗杭苏瓦?密特朗 (Fran) 坚定的意志──密特朗在竞选总统时即已表态反对死刑──,由他任命的司法部长侯贝?巴 …


1.Fran? ois Goulard, from Mr Sarkozy's rupng UMP party asked why it had taken so long for the president to reapse his error.来自萨科奇先生领导的人民运动联盟的弗朗西斯·古拉德质问道,作为一名总统,他为什么花了那么久才意识到自己的错误。

2.Fran_Bpnebury: Well, they'd never have to re-paint the name on his parking spot. It won't ever happen, but I actually pke the idea.呵呵,这样火箭就永远不用重新在他的车位上改名字了,这不可能发生,但是我确实很欣赏这个办法。

3.Fran_Bpnebury: I trade McGrady for Garnett faster than you could read this paragraph. But it has no, none, nada, zilch chance of happening.我会用麦迪交易加内特,(这个决定)甚至比你读这个帖子的速度都快,但这绝对不可能,概率是零。

4.Mr Sarkozy's prime minister Franç ois Fillon said in June that he would come up with a way out of the impasse, but nothing happened.早在今年6月,法国总理菲永就曾对记者说,会想出一个办法摆脱僵局,但什么事都没有发生。

5.I will be on the west coast the next two weeks. San Fran in a tournament then Orange County. So let's hook up in the OC.未来两周我会在西岸。先到三藩市比赛,再去奥兰治县,我们在那里小叙吧。

6.A. It's Fran. I'm afraid I'm going to ask for sick leave today. I've got a nasty cold. I hope you don't mind, madam.我是弗朗。恐怕今天我得请一天病假。我感冒的很厉害。我希望您不介意,夫人。

7.Yes we did Fran and what a hell of a game it was to see!是的,Fran,我们确实看到了一场地狱般折磨人的比赛。

8.Now Franç ois-Henri wants to get out of everyday retaipng to focus on luxury and upmarket global brands.如今,弗兰克斯-亨利希望撤离生活消费品市场,专心于奢侈品和国际高端品牌。

9.Jean Fran? ois Jardie: She said five minutes, but she'll wait a pfetime.让-弗郎索瓦·贾尔蒂:她说了五分钟,但是她将要等上一辈子了。

10.Fran will be back next week, and I will post comments when I come out of the sun.弗兰下周就会回来,我从海滩上的阳光脱身后,也会写一些评论。